When we first met

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No ones POV

Aria was walking alone on the sidewalk. "These stupid lines, what do they mean!" She was looking at her wrist which had the words "Oh, sorry about that! Nice tattoo." The words appeared about 6 months ago. The tale goes that half a year before you meet your soulmate the first sentence they'll say to you will appear on your wrist instead of the 3 black lines. Aria was on her way to a tattoo artist because why the fuck not. She was face to face with the door and got anxious. "Calm down Aria, its just a tattoo" she told herself as she walked in. The place was dark and had rock pictures everywhere. The tattoo artist, Mona was sitting in her usual spot by the counter. "Welcome back Ari. What'll it be today!" Mona asked her friend, they had known each other since they were 8.

"Hmm... that one, the headphones" Aria said pointing to a picture on the wall above Mona. It was a simple pair of black headphones, nothing special about it really. Mona then asked the usual questions like where she wanted it and what size. Aria pointed at her neck, about 5 cm from her jaw. It was going to be small, but cool.

"Yes ma'am!" Mona said enthusiastically, which made aria laugh. While Mona was working on Arias neck she made a bit of conversation. "So, Ari, any cute girls you're interested in?" She asked smirking at Arias gayness. Aria rolled her eyes with a small smirk and tried not to move away from the pain of the needles. "I take that as a maybe then, I'll ask after I'm done torturing you." She continued laughing. After about 45 minutes the tattoo was done and cleaned up. As she left she felt someone bump into her. "Ouch! Please watch it next time" Aria said picking up the cream Mona gave her. "Oh, sorry about that! Nice tattoo." The stranger said. "wait, what did you say?" aria asked in amazement as she looked at the person. Without a word aria and the stranger look at each other's wrists. "you're-" they both began staring at each other in shock. The tall stranger had stunning brown eyes and beautiful pink lips. She had brown hair. Wow she was tall.

"Uhm, hi " the goddess began awkwardly "I'm spencer hastings, whats your name?" She said with a smirk as Aria blushed. "A- Aria montgomery " She stammered out.

Oh, sorry about that!Where stories live. Discover now