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•your brother, he's a•

"Hey, do you mind if I sit?"

The cafeteria was quiet. Kids were focused on their plates barely anyone talked unless they were in a large group. Bleu sat alone at a table eating a salad. she turned around and looked at Elle.

"Go ahead. Just finished." Bleu said as she gathered her trash and prepared to stand up.

"Um, I was actually hoping to talk to you." Elle said as she sat down.

"Oh, so we're friends now?" Bleu said as Elle gave her a confused look. "It's just I attacked you in the store that one time and're dating my brother, so."

"Um, I mean, I guess we're friends." Elle said hesitantly. "But, um, I was thinking about how we should try and keep things normal after everything."

Bleu nodded her head.

"We need something to look forward to, and everybody likes movies. So I thought, why not have a movie night, like, once a week. Maybe on Fridays at the church? What do you think?"

"I think it's great. I'd totally go."

After Bleu answered Elle looked down awkwardly.

"I was actually hoping that you would help organize it." Elle said quickly. "People don't usually follow my lead. If you know what I mean."

Bleu just looked at the girl.

"What?" Elle asked as Bleu stared at her.

"I guess I'm just curious. why?" Bleu asked as she pushed her tray away. "Well, don't take it the wrong way, but you've always been a bit anti-social. Aloof. Like, with everyone."

Elle raised her eyebrows and nodded along with Bleu's words.

"How could I take that the wrong way? Um," she chuckled. "People change."

Bleu smiled at her. "What does Campbell think about this?"

"Campbell? Yeah. Yeah, he's excited. Um, he's actually more of a homebody than I am, so I thought that the movie idea might be good for him, too." Elle said breaking eye contact with Bleu. "Kind of like a date night."

Bleu smiled at her.

"You know, Campbell and I, you and Grizz."

"Oh, you know about that." Bleu said as surprise filled her voice.

"Well, everyone kind of suspected it, but ever since the funeral it been confirmed." Elle said.

"And you two, you and Campbell, you're okay?" Bleu said changing the topic.

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