first date

150 2 0


-she took you to the bronze

-if you like to dance, you guys danced, if not you sat and talked

-she had to run out and, ya know, save lives

-you found out her secret and she got kind of worried and thought you would leave. "this isn't exactly the thrill of the evening is it?... sorry you found out like this"

-you always kind of thought something was up and chose to stick with her no matter what


-study date

-she's so nervous and blushy oml

-"d-do you you need any help" "nope I'm good"

-she accidentally brushes her hand against yours

-"I-I'm sorry! I didn't know if you- well, if you wanted to I would for sure! I-It's not like you're gross or something, but I didn't know if you wanted-" you hold her hand

- "oh" *nervous laughter* "ok"


-also the bronze

-tries so hard to make you laugh

-tells tells a dirty joke and regrets it.. you find it funny though

- "I'll go get you a drink" *leaves and comes back* "so um.. what do you want to drink?"

spike (post chip)

-at the graveyard, you know what he is

-he protects you from demons but wants something in return ;))

-you give him the succ                   jk no you don't

-he asks but you say no

-he pouts than you guys make out


-probably a rave or club

-gets you to dance with her

-hella dirty


-low-key nervous bc she actually likes you

-great at hiding it though

-grinding x10

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2019 ⏰

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