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These are very important:

1)Don't  fight on any plot,I understand if you like the plot and someone else took it. You don't have to start fighting or hating on anyone

2) Permission,Only when I reply to you that you are free to have this plot you may start writing it, or I will report you if I find you writing it

3)You won't always get a plot,if I want to write a plot or someone else took it I might not give you it but there are many more

4)You can only use one plot at a time, don't get to overload with books or it becomes hard

5) Appreciation you have to tag me in your story,so I can read it and get a little appreciation because it isn't easy to think of a good plot and then give it away

6)Ask,if you don't understand anything feel free to message and ask me and plus I also make book covers so you can always ask me

7)Stick to the story idea,I don't want you to go all Haywire while writing the story stick to main line

8)I might not reply to you very fast because you need to understand that I have a life outside wattpad and you have to be patient

9)Never be rude while asking a plot and if you don't like a plot you don't need to write unnecessary rude comments

10)While writing my plots I want you all to have fun and enjoy it,feel the story and not take it as a burden

That's all!And if any of these rules are not followed I will message you and talk to you nicely but if you don't listen I will have to report you

And yah my plots are only Jenzie, ashannie and hannie is an exception. Any other ship you have to ask me or the plot will be taken

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