Chapter 1 💞

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The Park 🌱
It was a sunny day with the temperature at 21°C. Me and my friend Daisy were at the park making Tik Tok's and saw four very good looking boys walking towards us. We try not to make it obvious that we were staring at them. So we ran onto the swings and pretended that we were there the whole time. They came into the park and went on the zip wire. We weren't too sure whether they were looking at us or not but we just assumed it was out imaginations.
About an hour flew past and it was time for me and Daisy to leave, by then I wished I would have said hello as they came through the gate but it was too late. We walked out of the gate talking about them and hear a voice shout from behind us "what's your Instagram?" We turn around and a short dark haired boy had shouted it and got him self into a head lock by the tall blonde one that looked like the leader. We laughed and carried on walking. I shouted out Daisy's Instagram and she nudged me and told me to stop. Then we heard another voice say "no the other one" with a slight voice crack at the end. I turnt around in disbelief because I had never been asked this question let along by a good looking boy and it's always Daisy that gets the boys. Of course I wanted to give it to him but I was too nervous and didn't know what to do, without me saying anything Daisy had shouted it back to them. I looked at her and didn't know whether to be mad at her or not but yet again before i know could decide she says "got that?" Then replies with "yep thanks!" With a voice crack at the beginning this time. We walked home and couldn't stop talking about them and how Daisy was actually jealous of me for once. Usually its the other way around and I didn't know how to respond so I let out a little fake laugh.

Tom 🤪


Hello, who is this?

Tom 🤪
Oh yeh sorry, I'm Tom the boy that wanted your Instagram in the park, sorry for if Jacob annoyed you, Jacobs the small brown haired one Noah was the other one that talked with the voice crack's and Jake was the one that didn't talk (for once) and I'm Tom the best one of them all 😊🤣

Oh okay not sure about the last bit but I'll just agree any ways 🤣

Oiii 🤣

After that we didn't text at all I was a bit upset but I don't under stand how, we hadn't even talked in person and we were texting for two minutes and I only know his name nothing else about him yet I feel like I've known him my whole life time and like a piece of me has been filled but at the same time I thought I was going mad!

Dinner 🍽
I made it worse for myself at this time because this is the moment I opened up about the day to my family but today was different, I just felt off I didn't eat much as well which made me look more suspicious but I didn't know if I wanted to tell my family about this because I'm the "perfect child" doesn't worried about anyone else, gets good grades all the time, is beautiful, spends all my time studying, is always clean, so according to my parents I don't have time for boys there a "waste of time" because it's not going to last.
They asked me how my day was and I raised my voice and said "I don't want to talk about it!" And stormed off upstairs, I don't know what came across me was it all these mixed emotions I don't know whether to cry or to be happy. My sister came in and sat on my bed and asked if I as okay and I tell my sister everything, were so close I think she know more about me than I do, we cried we laughed and smiled . She told me to get some rest and I will feel much better in the morning.

The morning 🌞
She was right like she always is. I woke up with a smile on my face. I yawned and stretched and grabbed my phone so see a message I would never imagine I would ever see.

Tom 🤪

The Moment I Fell In Love 💞🥰Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant