The Beast That Lurks Under the High School

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-August 21st, 2019-
-Miami, Florida-

Three friends are going down the stairs, into the forbidden basement floor of the school. There's a confident-looking boy in the center, flanked by a girl with a ribbon in her hair and another boy who was starting to get stubble. They had been planning this operation for weeks, and they believed that they had they perfect plan to get in and out of the area unscathed. They didn't know for sure what was in there-all they knew was what they had been told.

"Jonas, are you sure about this?" The girl asks, keeping a close grip on her phone. She wanted to get either photo or video evidence of this strange place-hopefully, that would be her ticket to fame and fortune. She didn't care for cheerleading and acedemic endeavors-exploring the supernatural was more her speed.

"Absolutely!" The boy says with a confident grin. He's wearing a letterman jacket with a large E on the left patch-the E standing for "Electric", as in the school Electric Avenue High. Jonas was your average high-schooler, above everyone including common sense. He was determined to see what amazing things a top-secret laboratory would have, maybe something more powerful than any other athletic enhancement. If he could just win one more game, he'd have a scholarship, and a free ticket to an easy, comfortable life. "Have I ever let you down before?" He asks, nudging his slowly-bearding friend.

"No..." The third one said with a sigh. He was the voice of reason for the trio, a morbid curiosity being what drove him to join these two on their quest to uncover whatever was hiding under their school. If he was being honest with himself, he was afraid they were going to get seriously hurt by whatever was under there, be it faulty experiments or genetically-modified mutants. But he owed Jonas a favor after doing some homework for him, so he went through with it.

"Of course not! 'Cause I'm awesome, and we're gonna make ourselves the kings-uh, and queen-of the school!" Jonas says, an almost evil look on his face. His two accomplices found themselves weirded out by this sudden change in expression and attitude. 

As the trio gets closer and closer to the basement, the light gets darker and darker and it becomes harder to see. The girl almost immediately pulls out her phone and turns on the flashlight. Once the light fills the room, she lets out a quick gasp. "Woah..."

From what they could see, it was a laboratory of some kind. The things inside hasn't been used in years, and it was all beginning to show its age. Machinery and computers lined the walls, cables trailed across the floor, and dim, flickering lights were on above. To top off the creepy feel of the room, there was a pair of strange capsules directly across from them. It's hard to completly make them out, but they both seem to be holding people inside them.

"...OK, I've seen enough, I'm heading back up." The bearding boy says, turning around and starting back up to the light of the school. Jonas grabs him and turns him back towards the lab. "I don't think so, Antonio!" He says with a snarl. "We're going in there and getting everything we can! Who knows what kind of amazing, powerful things could be in here?! We're like Ali Baba, after he found the secret cave of treasure! Now come on!" He says, tugging on Antonio's sleeve and dragging him down the steps, despite the older boy's protests. The girl follows closely behind them, taking lots of pictures.

In the dim light of the laboratory, a strange figure can be seen. It's a male, a very pale one. He  has piercing red eyes and long, scraggy blonde hair. His appearance is a strange one for such a desolate area-his clothes aren't torn, messed up, or adjusted in any way. He has a blank look on his face as the trio turns their attention to him.

The girl is the first one to break the silence. "E-Excuse me, sir? Do you know what they're keeping down here? Like, what it does, how it was made, where we can get the ingredients, uh..." The girl says, pulling out her phone and recording him. Her voice trails off as she answers the question and the man begins to glare at her. He then snarls at her, an animalistic sort of noise. She lets out a frightened noise and takes a quick step back. "On second thought, never mind!" She says quickly and quietly.

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