The Bible Explained: How to Find a Good Man and How to Find a Good Woman

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The Bible Explained:
How to Find a Good Man and How to Find a Good Woman

        Many people today have a problem finding the ideal woman or man. A man or woman that will bring health and healing to their lives and a woman or man they could grow to love; one who is the ideal spouse and one who will give good guidance to them and their children to help them become wonderful, happy people.
        To find that ideal person that even your friends would come to love and respect, that person must have traits that even you may not agree with. Why?; because you don’t always choose what is good for you.
        Firstly let me say a person can change, Ezekiel 18:1-32; St. John 3:14-21. There are some who choose not to change, St. John 3:16-21, some choose to and change; there are those who have a terrible battle to change: Romans 7:14-25 this explains what people may think is habit however it is something a bit more sinister: And then there are those who pretend to change, or appear as someone other than they actually are, St. Matthew 15:7-11. There are some who change due to circumstances and experiences, like Eunuchs. Most amazing of all, are people who change because of outside forces, Acts 8:1-4 and 9:1-31. I showed scriptures that show GOD saying a person is held accountable for his decisions or the way he/she behaves. Also a person behaves the way they do sometimes according to their own knowledge and experiences, Hosea 4:6.
        So, we have lots of people with different experiences, beliefs, mind sets, desires, etc.
        Three people have told the tale of finding the ideal person, and for them, a marriage, as it really was made in heaven. You would be surprised to find that these three couples didn’t really like each other, in fact they may have been 95 percent liable of ending up with someone else rather than each other. Why is this?; because people see the outward appearance and they see mostly what is showing. People guess day in and day out but may find it harder than a needle in a mile wide cornfield. I should also tell you that GOD himself told me as well who my wife is. Yes, it is a long story, and yes, it was GOD Almighty.
        I am going to tell you what I’ve learned about finding the perfect spouse. There is more than one way. One such way would be to stumble upon them like many who are looking for their soul mate. Another way is for GOD to tell you who they are. And the most problematic and dangerous route...., entering relationships based on one's choice or based on who is there to be had at the moment/or what happens upon you, and even for gain.
We have heard of persons who stumble upon a great mate and it is lasting bliss. However this is very rare and very dangerous. People can catch diseases based on the sins they or their parents have committed. And yes, sin brings degradation.
        GOD didn’t intend it for us, so it is a result of our sins. If we keep sinning or refuse to ask Christ Jesus for forgiveness and try hard to change, then worse things may arrive in your body or even in nature, like diseases, earth quakes... etc.
        To find someone good, let us start by finding out what is good. St. Matthew 19:16-17 states expressly that only GOD is good. What then is a good man and a good woman.... a man of GOD and a woman of GOD. A good man is mentioned in Acts 11:22-24. So there are good men. Acts 10:34-35 speaks expressly that GOD is not a respecter of persons, but in every nation he that feareth GOD, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him. Proverbs 31:10-31 shows there are good women as well. Proverbs 31:29-31 talks about the virtuous woman and that many women have done virtuously but she excellest them all, and it states how favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.
What do these verses state to us. To me it suggests that a good man and a good woman Fears the LORD and keeps his commandments.
        Are you a good man or woman? Do you fear GOD and keep his commandments? Whether you say yes or no, there is commandment in the word of GOD speaking towards all you think, say or do. This may explain why as well you aren’t finding a good spouse.  (Please note the Fear of the LORD is to hate evil, Proverbs 18:13).
        Looking for what is good, whether it be a lake or good ground, it will often have good food in abundance and growing together. Yes, a nice person may be happened upon by accident, yet I’m suggesting that they are usually bunched together.
        If they are, then most people won’t find them save an unlikely meeting, on a bus, bump into one, an accident, etc. Even more unlikely Godly people seldom go outside what they are commanded, and they are commanded not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers. Why? Because you are likely to be a bad influence and your direction in life will be pulling asunder the relationship. You like getting drunk and partying, but they like family life and speak against rebellion and revelling, which is what you are doing. You enjoy what they hate and may constantly wander why they go to church regular or why they are always in their bible.
        You like darkness but they like light.
        You may not even see anything wrong with what you are doing. In fact, many people argue or show resistance when someone states a case against their behaviour; like a thief will not like it if someone is speaking sharply against his stealing.
         The sick in the world don’t always know that they are sick. They see nothing wrong with partying, stealing, little white lies, harmless jokes that are vulgar and actually do harm others.
        Because a person doesn’t behave in a rash or irrational way, picking someone not so erratic, neither spontaneous nor fun (in a party way), but one who alway behaves like they are governed by rules and regulations (a nice person), may indeed seem too dull; and because of this, many will look pass good spouses to someone more their type, to share similar interests.
        This also shows that people may also be picking spouses and partners in some resemblance to themselves, or motives within themselves. In fact, as a wicked person, or a person with bad attributes, you may be looking for a person to satisfy those things you attribute to yourself, instead of what is good for you.
        So if all the mates you are attracted to have money, or are handsome, or shapely (muscular), or are always the centre of attention it may be you aren’t looking for a good guy but one to meet your selfish motives. The same with looking for a lady to wife. . ., does she have to have money,  is she shapely, dress fashionable or sexual, or does she have to constantly be in the lime light? These are still all vain things.
         However it may not surprise you to know that many people have given up looking for the handsome, rich and impressive mate to settle for a good mate as a life partner, and are often still very happily married.
St. Matthew 19:16-30. There is none good save GOD. It also says; but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments. Jesus was speaking to a living person, but still life was to be entered into. Note also that the Commandments are to keep us from doing wrong things. Plus a GODly person will and should show only good traits.
        Why do most people want a spouse that is a good and a righteous person, one that makes them glad that you have them? Listen to these commandments form GOD and tell me if you like what these command your spouse to not do and what must done; Within Colossians 3:1-25 good things are taught like; wives submit to your husbands; Husbands love your wives, children honour your parents, etc.  Romans 8:7 “Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.” Romans 3:10-31 shows we are all sinners in one form or another, and the Law of GOD shows us altogether where sin lies, so that the thief will be convicted just as the liar or murderer, etc. Only the righteousness of GOD really qualifies as true and total righteousness, for we will all defend our ways in one way or another. Yet GOD shows what sin really is in his law, without respect of persons. So we can trust that the law of GOD will show where we are sinning. Even more so, GOD offers in the Lord Jesus Christ forgiveness for all sins, if a person wants to be totally free from all sins known and unknown.
        This brings us closer to change, to become the ultimate mate, sought after by many. Yes any one can become that beautiful precious spouse if they conform to GOD and not to our own thoughts.
        A lady once said, she believed her husband was not a very good husband, he could be better. After they separated she turned over her life to Christ Jesus, only to change: And in conforming to GOD and who GOD is and what HE requires of us, that is, to become Holy as HE is, she realised more and more how horrible a wife she was to her husband. They talked afterwards but he moved on and would not return to her. Still she may still be trying to get him to know a more perfect way in Christ Jesus and save his soul from the wrath to be poured out.
        This marriage was something that could have been solved, had she understood that our thoughts are more often selfish and our love is more emotional than really actual love. Colossians 3:14 says “And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness.
Charity is the bond of perfectness. So a perfect spouse should definitely have this.
        So can a person be perfect? Some say no one can be neither is. What does GOD say, St. Matthew 5:48; Psalms 18:30-32; 19:7 That the way of GOD is perfect, the law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul, and GOD says to, be perfect as he is perfect. Genesis17:1-7, Abram was promised many blessings if he would walk before the Almighty GOD, and be perfect: Today Abraham, as GOD gave him a new name, is to receive and is receiving those promises of GOD. So you can be perfect.
        Many say you can’t be, but this is a cop-out.
        GOD says, let every man be a liar and the word of GOD be true. Remember also that the law of the LORD is perfect converting the soul. People can be converted from being imperfect to a perfect spouse and being, by keeping the law of GOD. The highest laws are the Law of faith in Christ Jesus, John 3:16 this is the love of GOD towards us for salvation and hope and peace and our good. As for the other laws, if you keep these two, you will keep both the laws and the prophet, for all the laws and the prophets hang on these two, St. Matthew 22:36-40,    37 reads “Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.” 38 “This is the first and great commandment.” 39 “And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.”
        Remember keeping these laws will bring you closer and closer to becoming perfect, and also will bring others who will keep them to perfection.
        Let us take a look at charity, which is the bond of perfection when we put it on. 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 if we truly practice charity, to put it on, it will indeed become the bond for us who keep those commandments mentioned above.
                            Where to Find the Perfect Spouse
        So instead of hoping and guessing after that perfect spouse, let’s look at places where they are most likely to accumulate. Note that this is not the usual place where others usually tend to go to find a spouse. Coincidentally it is usually the same place where you share goodly vows, a church.  A good person will have very good morals and will be spiritually guided. The best morals are found in churches. However, everyone in church is not morally inclined, (hearers but not doers of the word): and worse, some churches are fake, they are some that are facades,  and often don’t keep in tune with GOD. They just seem to have a form of godliness, you know, to bring in suckers.
        How do you know a true church? It follows the Lord Jesus Christ and it does no wrong and is against evil and wrong doing. So if a church is reputed for sexually molesting children, it is from the devil, not GOD. Jesus many times told the future, and what Christ Jesus had predicted always came true. And the Christ said many false prophets will come posing as him to deceive people and they will lead away many. This is true as many follow religions as Muslims and Catholicism, not even aware of the history and inconsistencies of crimes and evils that they made, and have encouraged people to commit. Yet people follow them and their form of religious self righteousness. People have defended cars, music, denominations or church sects, and other materialistic ideaolody; this is not of GOD. What does GOD say about his church and worshippers? St. John 4:19-26, from verse 22 “Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.” 23 “But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.” Others have good intentions of the heart yet may be struggling with something in their lives, whether that struggle may be morally, financially or physically, yet, still they are good hearted people, and may someday overcome their obstacles.
        A church has more than one distinction. For the worldly it is a place to go; but for the goodly it is a spiritual hospital, a soul cleansing spa, a school of learning, an altar of worship, a regenerator of strength, hope, love, peace, goodwill; a place where a person can spend time with GOD in fellowship, and with others sharing the same moral beliefs, in order to become more GODly and thus more goodly.
        So we’ve found the place where you would most likely find a good spouse, yet it is a hospital for sinners to become GODly/goodly. The intent of a true church which follows the Lord Jesus Christ is always good, for many reasons:
        As the Holy Bible helps you to find your place in GOD, fellowshipping with others, who want to be morally good, will help you to gain a new family and new friends. It is during this time that you may indeed have the most perfect odds of finding a nice mate. This time may also help to convict you of how much you need, amongst your short comings, to better yourself, morally and spiritually, so that your spouse that you may find, can also say, I found a nice mate in you as well.
        Note also, that a good Christian church holds to all scripture, and teaches only what the Lord Jesus Christ himself would want taught. Finding this is simple. A goodly GODly wholesome church would in no way be offended or opposed to the New Testament of the Holy Bible, nor would the Holy Bible’s New Testament have anything to oppose them in.
        For this, you will have to read the New Testament Bible yourself and pick out which church does and teaches all the things required. This may take some reading on your part, and prayers to God for guidance, yes HE always hears you even when HE deliberately ignores you, HE still hears you. It is also best to go before GOD sorrowfully and repentative because of your state, and because of the sins you have committed, and try to be very honest with GOD, be aware that HE does know you. This I’ve noticed gets a quick response from GOD. Just don’t fake it, HE can obviously tell the intents of your heart. Honesty and complete openness to HIM will win you through, and please don’t go looking for a priest, that is an insult since GOD has sought to ordain people as priests, by His son the Lord Jesus Christ. Go to GOD in great humbleness of heart, and total honesty, shut yourself in a room or closet somewhere safe and where no one can hear you, only GOD.
Why I can tell you this? It is because I did that and as Jesus said, pray to GOD in secret, and you know what? I actually got a vision from GOD, literally, and whilst awake. I was not sleeping, and it was awesome. I saw people, it was like they were in the past, with sandals and … it was awesome. Jesus is really real, and GOD really does not like evil, and neither are we to.
So we let go of Churches that teach and have anti-Christ ways. Lord Jesus Christ is the obedient Son of GOD: When we follow him, we find all goodness. So we are in Christianity.
Why am I including all of this just to tell you how to find a perfect spouse? And is it Biblical? Should we wait on GOD for a spouse?
        Firstly, yes it is biblical, and secondly, yes you should wait on GOD for a wife or a husband (respectively), if HE has guided you to wait.
        When GOD told me who my wife was I was only 18 years old and she was 12 years old. I had been concentrating on GOD fully, and in the spirit, (my spirit was linked with the mind or will or spirit of GOD), I both felt and saw an invisible or transparent thing like dew floating down, as it was not seen clearly with my physical eyes, yet I saw it with my spiritual eyes (this just means I saw something but not with my physical eyes, and yes it happens often with Christians) one instance is recorded in 2 Kings 6:1-23 another is recorded in Acts 7:1-60. There are more.
Moving on.
        So in this state I sat down and said, “I wander who my wife is? and where she is? and if she is alright?” I was looking up wandering if she could see the same stars I could, as it was evening. A voice answered and said, “Her name is Katrina, she is going to come through the track in front of you, and you will see how she is.”
        I was amazed, and heart was . . . (I don't remember) at getting to see who would come through the track. It was dark outside, and the track was winding between buildings so that you could not see who was approaching till that person had reached just under the street light, about fifteen or so feet in front of me, and between me and the track.
        As I waited, I wandered If a guy would appear, or some old person. It was a busy track.
        No one came for a while though, and then I saw a little girl coming out of the darkness, whom I realised was my mom’s female friend’s daughter. She would come by us at times, and we by them: Yet I’d never really noticed her. I never really paid her much mind. Her name was ....    Katrina.  
        I was awestruck. Wow.
        I knew who my wife was!
        So GOD may show you the spouse that is yours. I will now tell you why you may not get a revelation, of your spouse. I have realised that with specific people who hand themselves over to Christ Jesus and over to the will of the Almighty, that GOD will intervene in their lives at times. For many reasons, GOD  wants people to be saved from their sins.
GOD knows the future, and if you will give over your life completely to HIM then you have given permission, and in giving the Almighty permission you have allowed GOD to direct your life.
        The Disciples' prayer reads, thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. That, is giving over of authority. When did we get authority over the earth, Genesis 1:28-31. So we hand that authority given us by GOD back over to GOD: This is done  by our will, so that HE can do what is HIS good will with our lives.
        Now, GOD had always been with me, from ever I was, and shewed me things; the future, visions, etc., Joel 2:28.  The bible explains that it is so because of the type of person I am and those choices I would make, even though I may only have been in my mom’s tummy. So GOD is guiding me to know HIM and see to HIM, Romans 8:28-30.
        Just about everyone can walk with and in GOD, however they will have to go through trials, tribulations and temptations. These situations state and show the true intentions of your heart, Deuteronomy 13:1-4. So If you say I want to know GOD, a task will present itself and if your direction in these tasks is one to seek GOD and do GOD’s will as stated in the Bible, Psalm 24:1-10, then you will see Him and be guided by Him. Sometimes your judgement of right and wrong will be a trial that your soul may decide, not knowing right and wrong as in being told it. This choice is spiritual, and passing it will bring your thoughts closer to GOD and GOD closer to you. GOD never asks you to do bad or evil, for GOD is good, and GOD is Love; so if you get a thought to do wrong it is not of GOD. This would seem to mean that you are tried without knowing it. It is very hard to fake intent of heart, Jeremiah 17:9-10, Proverbs 17:3. Best to just make up your mind and will, seriously and immediately, what is your choice, to follow GOD all the way, or not, and if you are determined to stick to following him. Your Mind being made up fully, will affect your heart, and your actions will blindly come under this decision, like walking without realising you are taking the steps. And as you focus on GOD, to conform to his will, your steps will align with His, and you will feel Him directing you.
        Note some people do get little or some direction; This is not enough. Total walk with Christ Jesus should be determined and should be your intent. GOD will appear to leave you at times, and yes, you must constantly have your mind and spirit made up, to do Good even without direct orders. If you are successful at this, then again, GOD will carry you some place higher and closer to HIM and you may get a lot more power and authority.
         Note you may be left alone and tried many times in this walk. Your heart must and should always be of one to follow him. You have two hearts; one can be on your left, and the other on the right. The left is fleshly the right is Spiritual, the spiritual one is your good intent, good passions, good love, etc., and cometh with true wisdom. The flesh, or, as called, the heart of man, is deceitful. This is also spiritual but joined to the flesh, Jeremiah 17:9-10, your heart can be then Spiritual and on your right side, or, after the flesh, and on your left joined with the flesh.
                                         Mistakes You May Have Made
        You can fall from almost any place in your life and walk with GOD, if it happens be quick to ask for forgiveness with a sincere, and honest, and humble heart, and you may be allowed to continue on, Acts 11:23. Every move in GOD is a correct move whether up or down. Like Job in the book of Job, whether wealthy or in poverty, gain or loss.
        As a person wanting the perfect spouse, you may have heard people saying, "GOD send me that person" or, some may make mention of how GOD had told someone else who the person HE has for them, is. However, this is only when GOD seeks to intervene.
                                         GOD Does Intervene
        For many reasons GOD intervenes: One is, All things work together for the good of those that love him, Romans 8:28; and In the Lord’s prayer, “thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven”, St. Matthew 6:10.  So you asking GOD to intervene, for the good of those who love GOD, or that HIS will that the world might be saved, be so, St. John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” may cause GOD to intervene, and that means that GOD is at work helping mankind, even when you are not always conscious of it, and even when you feel forsaken.
       GOD loves you, HE does. Do you love him? This question comes up always. The first commandment is, love GOD with all our heart, mind, soul, strength, might, understanding, and might. Yet GOD seems to leave us alone at times, as shown earlier, so that we may choose Him. If we love GOD we will choose GOD and the things of GOD, and we will love what He loves and hate what He hates, for He will dwell in and with us, and will be our guide.
        So GOD at times will show some people who their wives and husbands are, and at other times it must and should be done by His word. Yes, the Holy Bible can also show you who your spouse is. Howbeit, this way is directed towards those who know and love and follow GOD. There are people who marry these incredible people and reap the benefits of a long, happy and lasting relationship, who have happened upon them. In Genesis 24:1-67 Abraham was faced with the prospect of finding a good woman for his son Isaac. He resorted to what GOD had promised, and would not send again his son Isaac but sent his high-placed servant to find a wife for his son, from amongst his people. Note he sent to a specific place for a good wife for his son. In Genesis 27:46 on to 28:1-9, Isaac did the same thing and sent his son Jacob to his family and kin to find a wife. Note in Genesis 27:46 that his mother Rebekah said the daughters of Heth wearied her, yes, Rebekah wanted her son to be safe from his brother Esau, however, the excuse was also accepted with his father Isaac. So there are people, who culturally, make better mates, having been brought up in certain practices and beliefs, as is today.
However we are looking into something more fluent, more present, which may even be in your ‘backyard’ now.
        2 Corinthians 6:14-18 Paul was also addressing who a Christian believer should marry. This concern about who someone marries carries throughout the bible, seen in the kings who had married wicked women, and who had had wicked mothers. The fathers who had married evil women, also were taught by those evil women to do evil; and some of these women had killed many children and innocent people, and did much evil, causing harm to their husbands, children, and people in the world; bringing up hatred against that family, and a stench about them.
        In the book of Esther 1:1-22 we see the first queen, Vashti caused much shame on the king Ahasuerus her husband, dishonouring him, and there was a great fear by the other males, the princes, that a culture of dishonourment through contempt and wrath may start amongst families. Also as we read on in the rest of the book of Esther we learn of Haman, a wicked man who brings the downfall of his family, because of his wickedness. So a wicked person in a family could breed harm to the family, and persons in the family.
        Later In proverbs King Solomon shows the ill effects of keeping company with lewd or wicked people. Also he showed as well the benefits of a good and wise man throughout the books of proverbs and Ecclesiastes.
        He also shows the benefits at times of a virtuous woman, especially in Proverbs 31:10-31, which are the words of King Lemuel, the prophecy that his mother taught him. His mother taught him about women, and how to recognise a virtuous woman.
        So, most everyone wants that good spouse, that makes life an happy journey to the end. Yet few people try, neither know, how to become that person. That’s because there is a force that is against us. This force is of darkness, and it is this evil force which can be an attribute to nothingness (brings to nothing, ruin or none existence). This is in us yet it can be transversed by light.
        Now we learn two things, GOD said “I am” in Exodus, and also in gospel of John 1:1-7 God is the light even Christ Jesus our Lord, and it says that the light shineth in the darkness and the darkness comprehended it not. So there is darkness, yet the darkness has attributes. The light also has attributes that show forth, St. Matthew 5:14-16, they are good works. Also, the attributes to darkness are bad works. Remember, darkness has the ability or pull, to bring to nothing. Darkness ultimately may be destructive and not wise enough. The bible says the light shineth in the darkness and the darkness comprehendeth it not. It cannot understand the light. GOD in Genesis 1:1-5 says, “Let there be light”, showing that there was darkness before the light, as in chapter 1:2. So darkness and nothingness are more natural. However GOD existed, and we see in Proverbs 9:1 that WISDOM is in all capital letters. Only GOD can be in full capital letters throughout the bible. This may suggest two things since WISDOM is mentioned as a her. That GOD has contained in him what He allows us to understand as female, whilst HE is male. If you will also note in Genesis that GOD brought forth all creation by speaking, save for man, whom he created personally and blew HIS breath (himself) into Adam. So now Adam has three main characteristic about him: The earth, which had been called forth and can terminate (this is your body/flesh); Man also has Spirit, which is of GOD and can live forever; and so the man is become a living soul which is characteristic of GOD (feels, sees, thinks, calculates or reasons, experiences, can see past, can see future, and many more). In this disposition of GOD into man, man also carries a trait of GOD in him, the ability to produce females. So we are literally in the image of GOD. GOD placed Adam to sleep and did as is, removed a rib to show Adam what is him, and was in him. So man has woman as a help meet for him. She will drive man forwards no matter what. Note, that Adam knew little in the garden, about GOD, and was not yet called the son of GOD even though he was loved very much of GOD.
        The sons of GOD are those who show themselves being purged from the flesh. GOD is a spirit, not mentioned as flesh, and HE is neither constrained by or with it. He is a spirit, and those that serve him and are of him are serving him in spirit and in truth.
This same GOD is the Father of lights, existing in darkness (a force bringing to nought); we also exist in the flesh, of  which a force of carnality lies within it, that could also bring us to nought. The light shines in the darkness, and we as well must shine in the flesh.
        We shine by following that light that lighteth the world, which is Christ Jesus, and thus by adoption become the sons of GOD, John 1:1-13, St. Matthew 5:13-16, Romans 8:1-39.
        In the midst of Christianity there are people who struggle at times. These persons, have chosen to give up drunkenness, they gave up whore mongering, lying, stealing, partying/fêting/revelling (after the flesh); They have given up enjoying themselves outside of the will of GOD. Also these people had given up all their bad or evil habits. Some take a while to get to the place where GOD wants them to be at, but many do try to get there, amidst cries from people who may attempt to discourage or to stone them for their efforts.
        I find one must continually seek GOD, for to do this is to be free from all oppression, lies, sin, and darkness. When you get to that point you may see what I mean.
        Hold on to the Lord Jesus Christ. He only teaches to do good things. Follow good and you will find GOD. There are a lot of dead ends, but the Lord Jesus Christ himself never failed from following GOD and to be obedient to GOD. He has the revelations of GOD in himself, he alone has the fullness of the GODhead in himself. He walked as GOD would have us, and made it, becoming the first to be resurrected to that eternal promise. So should we also make it in the will of GOD, following the teachings of Jesus Christ who made it to the state of resurrection to life in GOD.
        Enoch  also made it to the point that GOD took him. So are we also called to deny ourselves and follow Jesus Christ, for he (Christ) is the way, and the only proven way to GOD.
         Mahammed is dead, Salasie of the rastas is dead, yet Jesus Christ who did miracles, and raised the dead, lives, and is indeed showing himself to people around the world, for the glory of GOD, and as a testimony that He lives, and is indeed coming again, as all things he said are true, For He is the truth.
        I do know this, as He (Christ Jesus) has shown me a vision of which I was wide awake. It’s like being in two places at once, whilst wide awake. I believed in Jesus Christ before the vision happened, so it just makes me the more zealous for folks to see him. You don’t have to wait till you are dead, just trust Jesus the Christ and the Love of GOD shown in him.
        Oh and He can hear you. GOD responds to humility and honesty, and prayers should be with your whole being, with no part unbelieving, neither in should you go believing something that is contrary to Christ Jesus, and part taking of sinful stuff. Full focus should be on talking to HIM and you should be extremely honest with him.
        There is also something else, someone once said, what if you find the right person, but you are the one full of deplorable habits, like lying and stealing, or cussing, etc.? They might not like you, and not just that, but you may make them want to flee, and yet you may not want to give that person up. It is always best to work on what you can and attempt at being prepared for something, just in case it does come along, so that in being prepared you'd get to keep it, and not lose it.
        Also it is best to stay away from bad habits, and we know that as you do, some may say, as to the drunkard, “What’s a harmless glass of the substance going to do?” Or to the lonely or to the one who parties, “What’s so bad about one night out with the girls?”
Remember, GOD told me who my wife was. If I was busy ignoring HIM, I would have missed it, because GOD is constantly showing himself to people, but it may only be those paying attention to HIM that would see. That night out could be the one when GOD comes knocking.
        In the Bible GOD forsakes Jesus Christ on the Cross, and yet David says, I have not seen the righteous forsaken, or their children begging bread. Yet Lazarus was a beggar who is the son of righteous GOD. Jesus Christ is righteous and cried father why have you forsaken me. There are many things you should know about GOD, one is, if GOD can exist where nothing is, why do you think you can trick him or fool him. The bible says GOD knows how to deliver the righteous from temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgement to be punished:  2 Peter 2:9. At another time in the prophets GOD says He will not altogether leave off. So GOD leaves you that you would be left, yet GOD does not completely leave off. So yes, both Jesus and David spoke correct, for at times a Christian will feel forsaken of GOD, yet GOD still sees you.
        It is impossible to trick GOD. The enemy also thought to use GOD’s words to cause destruction and establish in himself wisdom. GOD said to Adam, in the day you eat of this fruit you shall surely die, Genesis 2:17. In Genesis 3:1-24  we read no traces of GOD being there at that time, they seemed forsaken; Yet Adam and Eve fell not to the ground immediately after eating the fruit. Why not? After all, GOD had said, He should not eat of it in Genesis 2:17, yet he went on to live outside the garden for many years before he died. Well 2 Peter 3:8 states, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. No one can live past a day of the Lord, which is as a thousand years (without being taken up by GOD). If you research you may also find that no one has ever lived past a thousand years in history. They would otherwise have had to be taken up by GOD in order to continue to remain untouched by death, for GOD is not bound by law, neither curse.
          Remember, no good fruit comes from bad trees.
        Let’s go learn from the book of Proverbs. Proverbs 1:5-7. “A wise person will hear and increase learning; and a man of understanding will attain unto wise counsels.”
        So why did neither Christ, nor  the Apostles, neither GOD tell the people to wait on GOD for a spouse. GOD brought Eve to Adam didn’t HE? It may be, that a man can be in a great relationship with whether he marries this woman or that woman. GOD gives us choice.
        So really, everyone has many people that will be compatible with them, it is only to understand, that we are being warned by people in the old, the new, the present, the past, and the future, not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers, 2 Corinthians 6:14-18. Note that unrighteousness and righteousness, light and darkness are the barriers for being yoked together. Righteous people should not go and entangle themselves with the unrighteous, and the light hath no communion with darkness.  Again darkness is mentioned. So is the light. GOD is light, so those of the darkness will go where they are for, and GOD is not a respecter of persons.
        So in truth you can be rich, and the perfect mate for you may be somewhere and can be poor. You can be charged up and energetic woman, and the right match for you may be conservative and thoughtful. You can love laughing, and your perfect match be serious.
        The perfect spouse for you is not based on your pleasures, but is based on completion, so that in every event you both will learn to live and love, and have a long and fulfilling marriage. Pleasures can be destructive at worst, and at best must be done in a GODly and appropriate way. So a husband for instance may have authority over his wife, and yet he is not to ill treat her, even if it would please him to do evil to her.
        Increases in crime, family difficulties, selfish desires and harmful, hateful pleasures; these evils are of darkness, and people need to learn to fight those evil thoughts or evil desires that would destroy them and others.
        Cheating on your spouse is darkness, being selfish with sex in marriage is of darkness, hate without good reason is of darkness, lying is wrong. You need to stop it, even lying in jokes are of darkness.
                   Now to find that good spouse.
        The passages I have noted contain many ways to find that right spouse; just remember, people make mistakes, and GOD weighs the heart. You might want to do the same. That is, check peoples intent, or the intent of their hearts with these verses. What a person does, says more about that person than what he/she says about themselves. Remember, some mistakes are mistakes, others aren’t.
        The passages are as:
        A goodly man (Entire of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes) Proverbs 1:5-7; 2:1-20; 3:1-7; 15:20-20; 20:3, 6, 7; 9:11
Job 28:7-28,     2 Timothy 6:10-12,     1Corinthians 11:1-12,     1 Peter 3:1-18
        A goodly woman look at Proverbs 18:22, 1:7,     Job 28:7-28,    1Timothy 2:9-15
        The best trait I can give you is that a goodly person, or, the best people, are those that fear GOD and depart from evil. Such people love being in their bible. They are not denomination followers, but are Jesus Christ followers: This is stated throughout the bible about GOD’s people; Also a meek and lowly person, and a person who listens are great. If you meet an hateful Christian, who does evil, then they are not really a Christian, or they are confused or very  young in Christianity, and are lacking knowledge.
        The bible in 1 Timothy 2:9-10 states that GODly women should wear modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety. This states to me that the GODly woman would be wearing apparel or clothing that doesn’t show her breast or legs or her underwear, and whose clothing are not so short that it easily exposes her secret parts while sitting, bending over, or just standing. Short skirts, tight or clingy pants like jeans, high split dresses and the such, clothing or accessories, as well as many revealing tops and shirts, or shirts worn in a particular way to be revealing, would not be worn out doors by GODly and goodly women, (unless they are extremely poor and beggarly and have to wear someone else’s clothing or just decided to change their life for GOD and it’s all they have from the old worldly living of their past; still they will change the clothing) because they are easily shamed by these things, because they show shamefacedness, being well aware, or having sobriety, knowing slack dressing, is suggestive, or implicatable, or too revealing or ungodly, (being always also in good conscience towards GOD, and their brothers whom Christ died for). Read Romans chapter 14:1-23. It is about eating and there isn’t anything nearly as important (after worshipping GOD, and breathing) as eating meat (food?). GOD first, then breathing, then eating, but Paul a disciple (or an Apostle) of Jesus Christ the son of GOD, led by the Holy Spirit whom the LORD Jesus Christ sent to give us guidance stated in Romans 14:14-23 that even as important as eating is, and the fact that he believes he can eat whatsoever (save for blood), because GOD made all things good, he says in verse 15, it is now an offense when thy brother is grieved with it. Destroy not him with thy meat, for whom Christ died. You eat to live some say. How much more necessary is it than clothing.
        In verse 16 it’s written, let not then your good be evil spoken of. You teach Sunday school, you sing beautifully unto GOD, you have mothered or sistered many a Christian, why then dress like a slut and a harlot, exposing your secret parts all over the place all the time, causing weak brothers and sisters to perish or stumble. It is an offense. In verse 17 it says. For the kingdom of GOD is peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
        He that offendeth his brother and sisters dressing callously is behaving offensively and unrighteously, and without peace.
        Again, if a Christian does evil then they are not really a Christian, or may indeed be confused, or may be young in Christianity, and is lacking knowledge.
        The real Christians fear GOD and seek HIM out, and they look to depart from evil.
        Find one of these truly Godly Christians and their is an 80% chance that you have found a good person. The other 20% is if GOD has someone better for that person instead of you.
        Note, no partner for you is ever already married or engaged or has a boyfriend; let people live; No cheating, no evil, no lust, no covetousness, and no darkness, only light.

        Jesus Christ is Lord, and “true science” is realising the full revelations of the truths contained in the word of GOD.
        Cut through most of life’s struggles, by reading the Old Version of the Holy King James Bible. Pray GOD gives you wisdom and understanding to guide you through this life. You’d be surprised at what power you have in praying. Many testify, it’s free, easy, and it works. GOD always hears, even when he seems to be ignoring you, and far away, he always hears, believe, trust HIM and wait whilst HE moves. Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for the good to them that love GOD, to them who are called according to his purpose.

The Bible Explained 7: How to Find a Good Man and How to Find a Good WomanWhere stories live. Discover now