June 9th 1996: discovery

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I don't know why they did what they did. Maybe it was all too much for them, maybe life wasn't for them. And after all that's happened, I don't blame them.

Five kids were involved with what  many call a suicide pact. So on a devastating June afternoon, to be more specific, June 9th 1996, five kids were found dead as a door nail. Found among them were what investigators thought to be almond flavored pasteries. Almond is said to disguise the taste of cyanide.

No one knows why the kids were in the woods. No one knows why they had cyanide baked goods. But most importantly no one knows why they did what they did.

Why does anyone do what they do? How do they justify their actions?

That's what I'm here to uncover. To figure out what was going through the young teens heads when they decided to create a suicide pact and follow through with it.

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