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How do you know you've found happiness ?

What do you use to judge it ?

Is life just a race that you never get to finish ?

Do we all get a good ending or do some end up with the shit ?

I used to try to make that happiness we look for .

But now i know you can't cause it's still all fake .

Life is to easy to get sidetracked and board .

They say life is what you can make not what you can take .

I waited for so long .

Did allot of things so wrong .

I never heard that one heart song .

Until i found the person my heart has longed for .

The one thats had my heart all along .

That never makes me cry and doesn't tell me lies .

He makes me feel like a queen .

Who makes me feel like a teen .

The one i can tell every thing to .

And know he'll never make me blue.

He makes me wanna be .

The person inside of me .

I think i've found my happiness .

He really makes my world the best .

I can't see life with out him now .

He's become what i need to smile .

So that to me is what i think happiness should be .





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