Uh oh

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One day swirlz went on a group chat about the big furry tiddy future and decided with all. Her brain power and knowledge she stored in her maximum capacity brain and typed " lol guys I'm right outside your house get nakey " and then jayme looked outside and saw the moon emoji ass thing outside grinning at them. Jayme quickly got a boner with there maximum dong and balls and then there pp hole opened to the gods. Swirlz busted the window with her arm and walked inside and fell into the glass and maggots, " fuckkjng show me your boobis " swirlz says. But what a suprise adrian falls through the roof and arrests me for saying the f word and I die. Jayme who is naked stares down at Adrian since they are 8 foot tall and says ," I miss swirlz bring her back this can't be happend " as they cry and cum all over the place. Before any of jaymes massive loads reaches Adrian and gets them dirty they ran away and went to get swirlz out of jai, so The Who,e world wouldn't flood, on the way there she runs into aj and her boyfriend Kenny taking 1000 selfies to send to the groupchat. Adrian runs past them because they didn't have time to talk, the world was on this line at the moment.  Arian unarest swirlz and throws her into jaymes Asshold and meets peet weets. " lol why am I in ass" swirl x says and peet West reply's " anime porn time " and then shows swirlz some gay porn on her phone. Swirlz who is seceretly a ended to the porn gangsters grabs peet weets by her throat <which they like >. Swirlz knew this was a bad idea so she just went goku rage and peet weet flew so far into her bossy what jayme puked and shit peet weet and swirlz out. " why are the pests out of my ass" jayme panicked as peet weet sits on jaymes magnum dong. Aj walks in and says they dog in trouble for bug bites and realized what is happening, "lol what are you doing" aj said confident ly. Swirlz cummed all over Aja's furry porn art and then peet weet grows there own dick to they can be a true anime gay boy. Adrian walks back in with horror, " what the f" they sad. While all this goes down swirlz kidnaps alysanoo. And then jayme nutted. Aj draws more thick furry sand Adrian talks about boobies while jayme and peet weet are having hardcore gay sex. Peet's weets asshole physically breaks and then they shater into pieces like glass. Aj s toddies wink the the ground in astonishment and adrian legally has a stroke. "H-how could this happen toPEENIS WEE IS "  aj screams. Aj walks over to jayme and starts spanking her ass until she bleeds. And then swirlz comes back after selling alaysanoo to Walmart and shows them apicuctr of my dog looking like mike wisoski. Alshanoo craws back into the sex dumgeon bleeding and dead and swirlz gets hard . Adrian runs for her life onto the sofa which is 2 feet away as aj an djayme watch. Swirlz unleashed her true goku rage and molseted everyone . The end

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2019 ⏰

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