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Addison sighed from her perch at the top of the half pipe, watching the group of skateboarders attempting tricks and grinding rails. But one in particular always kept her eyes. Zed. The other boys cheered as he lands perfectly off the stair's railing. She claps lazily for him with a warm soft smile.

His skids his board to a halt and looks up in search of her across the skate park. His eyes catch her and he smiles, waving up to her. She gives him a two finger salute which made his smile widen and he rolled back over to the other skaters.

She sighed again and dropped her elbow onto her knee to prop her chin on her fist to continue watching him.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you've got it bad for your best friend." The voice caught her completely of guard and she squeaked in surprise. Bree laughed as she climbed the rest of the way up to sit down beside her. Addison rolled her eyes.

"You know it's not like that!" She lied through the skin of her teeth and trying so hard not to blush. Bree raised a brow knowingly.

Bree thought it was obvious that Addison had feelings for the green haired boy but she could understand why she would never admit it. Their friendship was so tight knit and close that it might ruin things if she threw feelings into the mix. Bree still thought they would be the cutest couple if she'd just take the chance.

But she just shrugged to drop it since she knew arguing wouldn't go anywhere.

"Whatever you say! Anyways!" Bree went into a huge story about this upper classmen that helped her out and how she was completely in love with him but Addison was honestly half listening.

She was going to miss this, sitting at the skatepark hanging out with her two best friends. Not only were they starting their first year of high school next week, but she's also been holding back on telling them that she and her parents are moving tomorrow. She didn't want their last summer together to be sad or them treat her differently. She just wants to soak up their time together. So she forces on a smile as she listens to Bree gush about the boy a year older than them.

"Oh shoot! What time is it?!" Bree exclaimed. Addison pulls out her cell phone.

"6:45." She informs. Bree literally screams.

"My parents are going to kill me! I was supposed to be home to go pick up my brother from the airport!" She jumps to her feet and hurries to climb down the side of the half pipe. "I'll see you at school tomorrow Addy!" She yells.

"Yeah. See ya tomorrow." Addison half heartedly replies. She closes her eyes with another sigh, trying to recompose herself so no one would notice her sour mood.

"Hey, you ok?"

Her eyes bolted open and she nearly fell off the half pipe when she heard her best friend's voice. He run up the ramp and grabbed the ledge beside her to pull himself up with one hand.

"Y-Yeah! I'm fine! Why wouldn't I be fine?" She rattled out quickly. He laughed.

"Ok ok! Sorry I asked!" He teased. Addison shook her head.

"No, sorry. I'm just kinda, distracted today." She admitted. Zed scrunched his brows in concern.

"You sure you don't wanna talk about it? I am after all a fantastic listener." He boasted proudly of himself. She laughed and nudged his arm.

"Yeah, you're so great at listening that you forgot I was allergic to peanuts." She said mockingly.

"Give me a break! That was in fourth grade!" He defended.

"Peanut allergies are important!" She countered.

"I'm 14! I know that now!" He said dropping his head in defeat. "That was one of the scariest day of my 10 year old life."

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