Dream of my Death and it was peaceful

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"I am in my village, where i was born and raised, the same place where i have learned and played, the same place where i have fell and rise, the first place in my memories. I am home where i was born. I am really happy to be home after so long, really happy. I am roaming here and there in my house and remembering every memory with every brick . I know everyone whom i see around me, no one is stranger here, everyone is known to me and i am connected to everyone i see. Here,I didn't feel alone anymore. I am running while laughing and suddenly i feel that someone has cut my neck from behind, i couldn't see his face but i could feel that cut, though it is not painful at all, yeah blood started spilling out from my body and i could feel it. But still no pain, no fear of death, i am still smiling. Every person around me is watching me, they can see the blood they can see the cut, they are muttering something while they see me but nobody ask me anything (like no one want to stop what's going on with me, like no one wants to stop the death that is coming for me. They love me or not it doesn't matter BECAUSE  i cannot expect love from others. Nowadays people don't love themselves then how i could expect that they would love me but even as human and for the humanity they do want to help me, they don't want to rescue me from death) and me neither want to stop this, i still smiling to them. I am still feeling no pain. What i am feeling is that i getting unburden of something as my blood flows out from my body. I am feeling like i am in trance, i feel like i am getting high on weed. One person shaw me and said to another that he is going to die but he does nothing. I heard him and smiled at him. I am standing in front of my house beside an old tree, the same place where i made my first and best memories. Mother is coming towards me and i said let's party ( i don't know why i Said this, anytime is possible in dreams). she shaw me bleeding and said he is getting weak. Suddenly after listening these words i fell down on ground. I said to mother to be with me, now my head is on her lap and i can feel myself fading away from life. I was very peaceful and happy before mother came..still.i am peaceful but my eyes are brimmed with tears as i see my mother crying. I don't want to die but is is feeling so peaceful that i don't want to stop this either. My vision is fading still im in my mother's lap. Now i closed my eyes, i don't want to close my eyes but it happened. I died and died peacefully with smile on my lips and eyes with tears and in mother's lap.
My death is so peaceful because i died in my mother's lap.
I am dead now, i am no more a living person.
Now i am just a soul.
I am still here watching dead me laying on my mother's lap. I could still do work just like living person. Suddenly a message popped up in my phone, there is message of a girl, a girl whom i have loved so much but she didn't, well its not her fault that she didn't loved me and I don't blame or hate her for not loving me. Well i had blocked her so that i couldn't see her and stop myself from remembering her, so that i can get her out of my mind, i had done all this to accept the reality that she is not mine and never will be, so i decided to keep myself away from her and forget her soon, well it didn't worked out well, i still miss her, i still love her, but still i thought that i could forget her, though reality is that i couldn't. she texted me from different Instagram account .She didn't know that im dead. Her Massage says "why you have blocked me?" "How are you?"
I replied "it's too late"
I want to cry now. Now she is texting me and asking me how i am? Why now? Why not before? F** my destiny. Now when she has came am lying dead and my soul is texting her. I am missing her and i still love her ( I used to call her stranger) but i am helpless now i can't do anything at any cost. I cannot even say that i could even die to be with you as i am already dead. I will never meet my family again. I will never be able to fulfill the wishes of my mother and father, i had promised mom that i would gift her a beautiful house with a beautiful garden and i had promised father that i would gift him royal car. I am unable to keep my promise that i will always be with my mom and dad and always take care of them.
Im unable to complete my dreams.
I am lying dead surrounded by my loved ones and all are crying for me. Even there are some who never liked me but they are also sad, i don't know they are really sad or just pretending. Whatever it is, i feel like they are sad.
A famous quote says "you are loved most and by the most when you are dead"
Same is happening to me..
                          The End

My Death DreamOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz