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"Take me through the night!" I screamed along with the radio. I closed my eyes for a moment to enjoy the song. "Fall into the Darkside~!" And at that moment, I messed up. I promise I closed my eyes for not even a second but life doesn't care about timing and stuff. That not-second didn't stop the chain of events that took place. A honk sounded to my left. Long and echoing. I managed to see a glimpse of a red smear before the truck slammed into me. It's hard to explain how getting hit by a truck feels. Have you ever gotten a small rock thrown at you? More specifically in the eye? Well, imagine that pain times 10,000! Then imagine each of those rocks being so strong that they can break your bones. Hopefully, you can understand what I mean because there is no other way I can think of to say, it hurt badly. In a matter of seconds, my sweet little yellow humbug was on its side and had a huge dent in the driver's door. My whole body went limp. I felt blood start soaking my clothes. I could feel long black hair plastered on my face. Black spots started to dance in my eyes. Then the spots took over and I blacked out. 

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