Smut Tomco

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Warning, This is an angsty smut, prepare your tissues 'cause this will be a rollercoaster

Disclaimer: This is my first smut in years, so don't expect it to be good, also, the POV changes constantly so be sure to pay attention who's POV it is.

SERIOUS A/N:(I just found this from my phone's notes, and I decided to upload it. And yes, I could have used 3rd Person's POV but I didn't like it back then and I still don't[Also don't feel like re-writting])

Marco's POV:

Hi there!, I know, I shouldn't be breaking the fourth wall, I don't want to be the deadpool of my universe but I felt like you guys needed an explanation.

It has been a crazy few years, After everything that has happened with Earth and Mewni becoming one, Some people had to stand up and stop people from commiting hate crimes agains another species.
I continued studying just to be part of the Monster-Mewman, Human-Mewman and Human-Monster embassy, which sounds boring and complicated... Which it is.

Now, You all are asking, "Why if this is the cannon ending this is a Tomco?' Welp, Star and I were togheter for years, We were like a married couple without being one. But unfortunally not everything goes according to plan.

A few years ago Star was at another country speaking up against monster and mewman slavery when she was caught in crossfire between the armed forces that came to save the slaves and the guys which enslaved them. She defended herself and whoever she could, but it ended up costing her life to save a dozen of innocent lives...

Don't think I was fine with it, I cried for months and had severe depression for the next years. I just couldn't bear the thought that because she didn't had magic, she couldn't deffend herself like she could in the past, it felt kinda like my fault for not being there with her but my parents are growing up, I needed to be there for Mariposa's life, yeah, I could have left her with eclipsa but, I knew the danger star was getting into, and If she suffered that, who guarantees me I would have came back to my sister's side?

I'll never forget the final smile she gave me while she said goodbye to us in the airport.

Now, Where's Tom in all of this? He was right by my side. He's my best friend and he helped me keep up with everything and not give into my suicidal thoughts...

He was there to help me with paperwork for the embassys, he was there to babysit Mariposa, he was there when I just needed a shoulder to cry.

After those rough times passed I started to have feelings for Tom and felt guilty about it.

I talked to Moon about it and before someone says it, yes, it's weird to admit to your dead girlfriend's mom that you have feelings for another person but Moon was kinda like my second mother.

She told me that Star would have wanted me to continue being happy, that it didn't matter who it was, To just keep smiling for her.

So after thinking about it, that's what I did.

Now I'm 29 years old and Tom is 30 years old, I know, we old af but we still love eachother.

Now, after you sat trough all that angsty stuff, here's your reward you sinners.

Tom's POV:

I still miss Star, but Marco and I have been togheter for 2 years now, Our anniversary is tomorrow and I have the evening planned, Romantic date, dinner and... I wish I wasn't like a teenager about this topic but, I want to make love to marco for the first time tomorrow. I wasn't too pushy on the subject because he swore to star that they would start a family when the monster-human-mewman relationship was stable, which didn't happen before she...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2020 ⏰

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