Romanogers United Souls

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Steve's POV:
I had already returned 5 stones and I had one trip left to make. Vormir. The place Nat fell and died for the soul stone, that place would haunt me forever. I didn't get to tell her but I loved her and she was my true love which I thought would always be Peggy.

When I got out of that ice my heart was missing a piece without Peggy in my life and after she died my whole world shattered in front of my eyes. She moved on, got married, and had kids so I knew I had to as well then I met Nat and my life completely changed she was fierce, strong, brave, beautiful, and the love of my life.

No Ones POV
Steve walked up to the cliff of Vormir as a floating silhouette appears in front of him. "Steve Rogers son of Sarah and Joseph Rogers" a faint scratchy voice said to him. Appearing from the rocks was none other then his greatest enemy, the Red Skull.

He grips his shield in front of him ready to strike him down "You.. how are you still alive? I saw the tesseract kill you" he growled in anger.

"The tesseract has set a curse upon me and send me here to be a guide for the soul stone to those who wish to possess it" he said simply "If you wish to return it throw it off the cliff though I have no idea what will happen"

Steve steps towards the edge as he looks down and starts slightly tearing up knowing this is how she died. He lets go of the stone and watched as it fell down. He waited a little to see if she would come back but nothing happened, he turned about to travel back to the current time but then there was a loud boom and a beam had appeared in the sky.

"What is this..?" He asked forcefully. "It seems that the souls have been returned for the stone" Red Skull whispered. Steve had got some hope back hoping what he said is true then he heard it. "Steve..?" He looks in the direction of the voice that had been.. Natasha.

"Wha.. how am I alive? I died" she said confused. He ran to her side and hugged her tight with some tears in his eyes. "You're back now.. home and safe" he said softly as he ran his hand through her hair.

Natasha POV
I looked to Steve as I slightly blushed from his embrace. I remember jumping off to give Clint the stone and a chance to live his life with his family. I knew I had to do it, I had too much red in my ledger and I was an assassin, a killer, I didn't deserve another chance. I ran my hand on his cheek and wiped his tears as I gave him a gentle smile "It's okay.. let's go back now" I said to him and he nodded .

Current Time No Ones POV
"And returning in 5..4..3..2..1" Bruce counted down as he pressed the buttons to the machine but Steve didn't return. He kept checking to make sure he pressed the right buttons but he did. "Where is he?" Sam asked. "I don't know but there is someone coming back with him" Bruce answered confused and they started arguing until Bucky looks to see two people land on the time machine. "Nat..?" Bruce asked in shock "How are you here and alive..?" He asked looking to the two.

"I'll tell you later first she needs help" He said with some worry in his eyes as he held Natasha. "I'm fine Steve I swear" she said putting a hand on his chest to calm him down. "Okay.. I just can't believe you're back" Steve whispered into her ear. Her and Tony's death really effected him but he got one of them back and that couldn't make him any more happy that it was her. "I know me neither.. I should of stayed dead but you saved me Steve thank you" she placed a soft kiss on his cheek.

Sam and Bucky had smug smirks on their face as they whispered back and forth. "You love birds have fun!" Sam yelled teasing them as Bucky just nodded at Steve and they walked away. "I'm gonna go put this in the storage" Bruce said gathering up the time machine and taking it with him.

They both pulled away from their hug as they glared at them. They stood there in silence until Steve broke it "So.. we won the war" he said slightly smiling. "I'm glad you guys did.. I finally did something right in my life" she said sadly looking away from him. She starts walking away but Steve grabs her arm and turns her around

"Nat you aren't the bad person you think you are, you're an avenger, a hero not that assassin you used to be." He said. She bit his lip and looked straight into his blue eyes trying hard not to get lost in them "I killed thousands Steve I'm a killer there is too much red in my ledger" she answered.

"I don't care about the past this is our future now you did what was right and saved half the universe by your sacrifice." He said not noticing his slip up. She raised an eyebrow at him "Our future..?" Steve blushed and mentally facepalms himself for that.

"..Yes Nat our future.. When I first saw you I felt a spark in me that I only ever felt once in my life and that feeling was love, Nat I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you."

She stood there shocked at his confession not expecting it. She walked towards him and hugged him tightly. "I love you too Rogers you made me feel love again after a long time I thought love was for children but I was so wrong." Steve Smiles and hugs her back. They both lean in and Steve lowers his head to capture his lips with hers in a passionate kiss.She wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him closer to deepen the kiss. Finally after years of waiting, Steve felt complete and nothing could change that. Their souls were finally united.


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