Nickelback 101

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Birthplace: Hanna Alberta, Canada

Birthyear: 1995

Members: Chad Kroeger(Lead Vocals, lead guitar), Ryan Peake(Backing vocals, Guitar), Daniel Adair(Drums, Backing Vocals), Mike Kroeger(Bass)

Albums: 9

Hit singles from each: Fly(Curb), Leader of Men(The State), How you remind me(Silver side up), Someday(The Long Road), Photograph(All The Right Reasons), Burn It To The Ground(Dark Horse), Lullaby(Here and Now), Edge of a Revolution(No Fixed Address), Must Be Nice(Feed The Machine)

Awards won: 12 juno awards, billboards most successful rock group of all time, billboards most successful rock group of the last decade and several others that I don't remember.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2019 ⏰

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