Chapter 1: The Birthday

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Bradley’s laugh filled the room, as he looked over the crowd of friends and family all greeting him for his Sixteenth Birthday. His arm thrown around his brother’s shoulder, Christian had a smile placed on his face, but inside he was filled with worry. Now both of them were of age for the Aptitude Exams, which would take place the next day. This could very well be one of the last days the boys were together.

Jennifer, their younger sister, ran past laughing, being chased by their father, who had some icing from her cake on his face. It seemed the man had dozed off slightly and to wake him the seven year old smeared a slice of cake on his forehead. The mischievous girl loved pranks, odd for someone of Candor raising, Candor were meant to be honest, the truth was so black and white, pranks involved lies, and deceit. Christian was certain the girl would never fit in when she grew older. Her aptitude would not work well in Candor. She would have to abandon her family, her faction, her life when she chooses her faction.

Just like Christian was sure he would have to. He held secrets no one could know. Secrets had no place in Candor. They were a form of deceit, a part of lies. If one lied they could not be Candor. But he did not know where he would go. The Aptitude Test was what he needed to learn where he belonged. And it was only a day away. The most important thing they would ever do. So close, and so terrifying. Christian heard a voice beside his ear. And turned to see his brother speaking to him asking about what he got him.

Smiling Christian pulled out a small black box that held a small white watch. He handed it over, a smile on his face as his brother opened it. Bradley picked up the leather strapped watch with black numberings. 

“This must have cost you a bit.” He said studying the watch. “What’s this on the back?” He said turning the watch around to find the inscription that read: ‘The Most Important Truth: is the Truth to Yourself.’ Smiling, Bradley put the watch on. Bradley would have no problem staying with their birth faction. He was honest, and the message of hope on the back of the watch was to encourage them both to do what they must in the next few days.

And with that, Mother came into the party once again; calling out that it was time for everyone to go. Smiling as Bradley’s friends began to whine, Christian stood and stretched.

“Well, that was fun.” He said as his eyes scanned the emptying room. Green eyes paused on the window. Gazing out at the skyline of Chicago, he could see the Hub, a building once called the Sears Tower, off to the south, standing out on the skyline. There is the place where they hold the choosing Ceremony every year – the place where you decide to leave your family, or to stay. Faction before Blood. That was the Truth of their society. And the Truth about that was it was painful. To think one could not see their family ever again, it made the Sixteen Year-Old’s heart ache. But it was what their society went by. He knew he would not see his Mother and Father, or his siblings after Choosing. He glanced down at his own watch, a plain black thing with white numbers. It was almost Nine in the evening. No wonder Mother had called the party to an end. They all had to be well rested for their last day of school tomorrow, and the Aptitude Tests. Bradley was picking up his gifts - a small black and white journal, an odd little figurine that was colored black and white, Christian could not tell what it was. Shrugging Bradley smiled and looked at his family around the room. Mother was eating the last slice of cake; Father had wiped the icing off his face and was clearing the table. He looked at the three kids, a gentle smile on his face. “You three should be getting to bed.” He said a clear dismissal. Christian turned and began towards his room. One of the last nights he would be here. The thought just saddened the boy.

Removing the white tie and taking off the black clothes, Christian stared at the skyline from his bedroom window. Pulling on the black sweat pants before he put on the plain white tank top, he was lost in thought again. Anxiety filling him over tomorrow’s testing. It would change his life that much he knew. Climbing into the bed, he stared up at the ceiling, mind filling with thoughts of anxiety, before failing into a restless sleep.


Christian stood at the front bus stop of the Merciless Mart. It was officially known as the Merchandise Mart, but seeing as it was the Candor Faction’s headquarters everyone called it Merciless Mart, perhaps the missing letters on the signs is why, but most attributed it to the way the Truth held little mercy. Looking from the building he had been raised in he looked to see the bus moving down the street towards him and Bradley. Jennifer would catch the next one going to the Lower Level School. But the brothers would be going to the Higher Level School, where it would be their last day. As the Bus hissed to stop, releasing a foul smell of exhaust, Christian stepped on, to see some Abnegation kids from the school already on, a blonde girl and a boy with dark hair. He recognized the girl from his Faction History Class; she never really stood out there, which was part of the Abnegation policies - They could not bring attention to themselves. As Bradley and a friend of his got talking and moved to the seats in the back, the Abnegation boy stood from his seat, offering it to an older man who had gotten on with the siblings. Nodding, Christian took the last open seat in the back. The bus bumped and jostled down the street, leading to the school. Christian and Bradley got up and disembarked the bus, followed by the pair from Abnegation.

Christian looked at his brother. “So, today’s the day.”

Bradley nodded simply, “Yeah… Are you nervous?”

Christian sighed, “Yes, very.”

Bradley smiled at his brother. “Everything will be okay.”

And with that Bradley walked away, his hand rising in a farewell. They would not see each other until lunch. And right after that, the Aptitude Tests. Christian tried to move the tests from his thoughts, yet he doubted he could.

As he followed the Abnegation girl from the bus down the hall, he saw an Erudite boy shove her down. This had become a common sight lately. Since the Erudite’s last report was released. Christian had doubted these reports were true, but it was pretty much affecting how every faction treated Abnegation. Still as the girl picked herself off the floor, brushing the dirt from her grey robes, no one offered her help, but then again Abnegation was the selfless ones.

Watching her for a moment before moving on, Christian paused at the window to see the Dauntless jump off the train, and so had the Abnegation girl. Odd. Abnegation usually viewed the Dauntless as reckless troublemakers, yet this girl was watching them with a sort of fascination in her eyes. As the train moved on, Christian moved past the girl into the class they shared.

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