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Nyx is of incomparable beauty

Her hair is the color of the night sky,

her eyes sparkle like a thousand stars

She is the light of night

the moon is her faithful companion

the sun is her brightest star

after the end of each day

She extends her arms to cover the world

       Your darkness conceals potential dangers

'the death mist' is what they call you

your cloak of darkness swishes in the air

Your beauty is endless like the universe

You are Lady Night

Daylight is your faithful Lord

        You hide in the shadows

waiting to return after sunset

Moonlight hits the lonely meadow

Night creatures are never upset

To be under your caring wings

Their faith in you will never waver

         You sing a haunting tune

Under the pale full moon

The tides of night move the ocean

Your reign ends tonight

She is night

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2012 ⏰

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