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you arrive at the park, exhausted from your run here. 

you take a seat on the park bench beside you, letting out a big breath, and letting your purse go from your grasp.

you pull out the apple you were going to eat and look for your phone. 

you realize it isn't in your purse. 

"shoot, it probably fell out of my purse on the way here!"

you take your purse, leaving all but your apple to sit on the park bench.

you scavenged for your phone for about a good 7 minutes when you find it on the pavement nearby. you let out a sigh of relief as you went back to your park bench.

you realize something is.. off.

your apple! where did it go?

you look around hungrily for the apple, scanning the park. you spot nothing until the wind stops blowing, and you hear crunching several yards away from you.

you see a head poking out from behind a tree, chewing on something.

"hey! w-"

as soon as you call attention to it, it hides its head behind the tree again.

you go to investigate, and hopefully get your apple back, so you walk over to the tree, your feet crunching in the grass as you arrive at the tree.

"where did he go? that's my appl-"

you hear a voice from behind you, cutting you off.

"hi, i'm han jisung!"

jislug apple🍏Where stories live. Discover now