Meeting Paris.

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Yes, I did make that animation. Kagu is the one with red eyes, Paris has blue.

There's something slightly comforting about waking up to my dad humming a random song downstairs while rain pounds on my roof. Like, it's one of those things that never really changes, because my dad always hums, and the rain hardly ever stops. I chose to stay in the attic of my house, cause lets be honest, it's the biggest room. But, it gets pretty cold at night and in the early morning, which I totally don't mind, cause I have my own system for heating it up.


I have a million candles (actually sixty three), and I'm always getting more. They are so pretty to light in the dead of the night, you know? People never really will know what they're missing out on until they get a few. 

I sighed and looked around me. Enough with the candles, it was time to get up. So I reluctaintly threw off my covers and sat up. The air smelt like a mixture of the coffee my dad was brewing downstairs, and the sort of pine-y smell our house has. I stretched my arms over my head, and swung my legs over the edge. I went over to my closet and picked out a maroon turdleneck and black skinny jeans. I put on my hiking boots (I just like to wear them. I'm not really physically active) and yellow coat over that, and headed downstairs. At the bottom of the stairs, I could see that my dad had stopped humming, and now was nodding his head to a beat only he could hear while making eggs. I looked at the clock on the wall. Crap, I was going to be late!

"Dad, I can't eat here, I need to get to school." I said over my shoulder as I ran to get my bag. 

"Kags, c'mon, I made you eggs shaped like stingrays." My dad said, and I glanced over at his frying pan.

"Uh, stingrays?" I asked as I looked at the weird triangels he had shaped the eggs into. 

"Okay, special stingrays." Dad said with a grin, and I sighed.

"Dad. I have to go." I groaned and made my way to the door.

"Okay sweetie. See you after school." He said in a quiet voice, and I swallowed down my guilt. If there is one thing my Dad does more than anyone else, he tries. But I have been late to school one too many times, and I really want to stop by charm store to get a few candles before the bell rings.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2019 ⏰

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