Just Maybe

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How did we get to his place of bliss

When did you become so strong

Do you believe that this will truly work

Or is there another far from here

Could this be our only chance

Can I count on you, to catch me when I fall?

Do you even know that my favorite season is in the fall?

I feel so peaceful and filled with bliss

Andi wish that you could give this a chance

To wrap me up in your arms so strong

But you are so far away from here

And you always busy yourself with your work

How could I feel more important than your work?

I know that this is my fault, that I should take the fall.

Even with my own business, you are all I think about here.

And every time I see your face, I feel bliss.

Though I am not you, I am weak, not strong.

I'm not even sure myself, if we should risk it and take a chance.

All I know is that what is life? If we never take a chance.

To figure out if what we have is real or if it will work.

I wonder how you can be so strong.

Because I always feel like I am going to fall.

That I will never know true bliss.

And that no matter how hard I try, I don't belong here.

But, only if I could see you, if you were here.

Then perhaps, the world would give me a chance,

To find happiness at last, and be in a world of bliss?

With you and I together we could work.

Together we may never fall.

Into darkness, never coming back, together I can be strong.

I can believe in myself, in us, and learn how to be strong.

Maybe I could learn to live, but if you were here?

If given the time we've had; I have had my hardest fall.

And I am a firm believer in giving someone a second chance.

Its just a matter of time, and I know that this will work.

I know we both deserve a taste of pure bliss.

Within our world of bliss we will be strong.

We can both work together, even from here.

Please, take a chance, and in turn, I will catch you, if you fall.

(Sestina poem format)

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