||1: Demigods' POV||

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(AN: this will just be random scraps of concepts I thought about the crossover, not really a story. Also some things, like the characters' ages and abilities, will be altered to fit with the AU they are in)


When Percy woke up, there was a girl about his age, honey-blond and tan-skinned, sitting in the compartment with an older, sandy-haired boy, about fourteen, who had a jagged scar on his otherwise good-looking face.

"Oh. Um, hello."

The boy smiled welcomely at him. "Hey, there! Are you a new student?"

Percy nodded.

The girl sat forward towards Percy and said, "You drool when you sleep."

She then turned to Grover. "It's great to see you again, Grover."

"Yes! I've missed you guys a lot, Annabeth, Luke!" Grover greeted the two warmly.

Percy looked into Annabeth's eyes. She had storm gray eyes that made him nervous, so he tried to sit as far as he can from the girl.

"So... new wizard here! What's your name?" Luke leaned forward in his seat, addressing Percy.

"My name's Percy Jackson. I'm a halfblood. My mother... she was a Muggle. But a great Muggle." He felt a tug at his chest when he mentioned his mother.

Grover made a noise that sounded like giggling and guilt-tripping at the same time. "Why don't you introduce yourself, Annabeth?"

Annabeth put down the book she was reading and looked Percy straight in the eyes, which alarmed him. She made his heart skip a beat but it wasn't romantically— this girl was scary.

Surprisingly, she smiled a bit. "I'm Annabeth Chase. Nice to meet you, Percy. I live with Luke ever since I was seven. He's a pureblood."

The sixteen-year-old held out a hand from across the compartment. "Luke Castellan. Pleasure."

Percy said to Annabeth, "Wait. What do you mean by 'since I was seven'?"

He could've swore he noticed Grover and Luke's expressions turn sort of sad. Annabeth, though, was obviously unhappy. This must be a sensitive subject.

"I hated my stepmother, so I ran away," Annabeth said in a guarded voice. This topic was clearly over, and Percy got the message.

"Yes! Let's tell Percy about the houses! Oh, Merlin, I've totally forgotten about the houses!" Grover suddenly exclaimed, tempted to change the subject.

Luke was smiling again. "Silly Grover," he said while elbowing Grover in the ribs. "There are four houses at Hogwarts—Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. I'm a Slytherin, and Grover here's a Hufflepuff."

Annabeth went on, twisting a golden ring she wore around her neck absently. "Gryffindor's the house of bravery and justice, Hufflepuff's the house of loyalty and perseverance, Ravenclaw's the house of intelligence and knowledge and Slytherin's the house of cunningness and ambition."

Judging from his friendly look—not the creepy scar—, it was hard to tell that Luke was cunning or ambitious. He might've passed for a Hufflepuff or Gryffindor.

Grover was the perfect Hufflepuff. He protected Percy from Nancy Bobofit and he looked after him in the absence of his mother since July.

Annabeth looked like either a Slytherin or Ravenclaw. Her look was calculating. And she was reading a book before school even started. Percy would not touch a book if he can help it. He couldn't read properly anyway; he was dyslexic.

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