Blake/Yang Futa!yang

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Yang was getting some exersice when Blake had gotten back from the store. Blake had said that since Ruby and Weiss had drained all of the cookies (mainly Ruby) and all of the alcohol, they needed to go but some.

("We can wait! Prreeety sure we don't have to get drunk everyday babe." Yang groaned, splayed out on the couch, legs hanging over the back of the couch.

"Weren't you supposed to make dinner today though?" Blake asked, popping her head out of the refrigerator.

"Shit. Yeah, okay I'll wait until you're done then."

"Okay, I'll be back." Blake kissed her forehead before grabbing keys and leaving the apartment.)

Blake set down the groceries and called Yang, putting it on speaker as she put everything in their respective places.

"Yang?" Blake called out once the phone call connected.

It took a few moments before Blake could hear her girlfriend, and a few grunts were heard before Yang answered back.

"... Yeah?"

"Where did you go? I'm back now."

"... I'm downstairs, in the gym."

"Are you coming back yet?"

"... Yeah, I'll be back in a minute."

"Okay, don't rush yourself."

"... Got it, see ya soon."

Blake sighed once the call ended and steadied herself on the kitchen counter. Her nerves calming down with the knowledge that her girlfriend was okay.


Yang clicked open the door. Dropping her duffel bag with her dirty clothes on one of the lounge chairs and found Blake in the kitchen; preparing the ingredients on the counter.

Yang sneakily wrapped her arms around Blake's waist.

"I thought I was cooking?" Yang smiled feeling Blake jump in her arms.

"Yang! You-ugh, we do this all the time, I cut whatever we're having the day and you just, cook, the food." Blake blushed as she continued cutting the vegetables. "You stink by the way, I'll have this done once you come out clean, and less smellier."

"Yes ma'am!" Yang saluted and headed for their bedroom with the duffel bag in hand.

Yang whistled while she dug out her sweaty clothing and dropped them on the ground. Taking a new clean shirt and sweatpants, Yang went into the bathroom connected.

Yang stripped out of her clean clothes and turned the shower on cold.

Stepping in the cold shower Yang started to feel relieved with the cold water on her worked muscles.

"Oh yeah, that definitely does the job." Yang gathered soap and began washing her body.


"Alright, chicken, broccoli, potato, and some carrots." Blake washed her hands as she mentally checked off the list in her head.

"Good job." Yang's voice made her turn around, splashing water on her shirt, or lack there of.

"Yang! Fucking-stop coming out of nowhere! Now I got water on..." Blake trailed once she grabbed a bunched up sheet of paper towel and looked at Yang.

"Yeah, I was still really hot once I got out of the shower." Yang rubbed the back of her neck with the shirt in hand.

Blake cocked her eyebrow. "Did you do a cold shower?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2019 ⏰

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