Chapter 1: The beginning

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Once upon a time there was a child. A child born of the worst luck. Everywhere he went misfortune and Chaos followed. He tried to be what everyone else wanted him to be but not a soul could understand him. So every night he reached his hand up to his ceiling and reach for the stars he had scattered across his ceiling. He'd reach for the stars.

Were you expecting that? Well that kind of stuff won't be found here. This is a story of Me. A stupid and lacking child. May are probably also wondering what that whole peice was. Well it was may form of a hello.

I should probably say who I am now, huh? Anyway, My name is Keith Akira Kogane and I'm gonna tell you That this is the beginning for my god forsaken life. How one mistake can apparently get you damned for life.

So I will get more into my life later but first let me share some things about myself. First I am a 16 year old guy who is gay. I haven't always been me though. I was once someone else, someone I don't know. Someone that haunts me all the time to no end as if it was the only way to be happy.

I am not necessarily ordinary. I have depression, anxiety, OCD, PTSD, and a whole lot of suicidal tendencies. To which I am not proud to say I have acted on before. This is just life for me. It's always has something come into play. I will explain it all later as well.

For now all I can say is this in just the  beginning of the shit show I call life. Many people may say to.get over it but hold on and sit down for the ride for a bit before criticizing me for my story. 

So for now is the story of how I got here. It started a long time ago with a young girl being given up for adoption out of her and her 4 sisters. She was adopted into a family but ran away at 16. She staryed down a bad path and it was one filled with drugs and alcohol. At a age unknown to the world she was announced pregnant with a little girl.

This girl was named Isabella. She was with her mother for a whole of 9 months. After she was taken away from her mother's care and put into the foster system. She grew up with people she didn't know. Without any proof of her little existence. She learned her first steps with this couple, She learn almost everything with this couple but never knew them.

She didn't have time to remember them. She never got the chance to be a family with them because of her "mother's" family. She was taken from the couple at the age of 2 and lived with her grandparents who she called "Nana" and "Papa".

These people took care of her from then on. She never got the chance to remember the couple who raised her since birth. Sadly she never saw them again after that. She never even got to say thank you. This was all because of the people she would soon call family.

The people who will hurt her the most and not caee what happens to her as long as they were happy. That nnever told her she was important or loved or missed when gone. She was never got the time of day or care due to her bad understanding of what was happening and why it did. She never knew even to this day.

As time crawled on she learned for herself but more will be revealed in the next chapter. The chapter of the next 9 years of he little existence. The one with barely a start. The one she has yet to start either.


Thanks for reading and I hope you toon in for more.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2019 ⏰

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