A Midnight Stroll

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It was late, you weren't sure exactly how late, but it was very dark outside and you were somewhere in the woods - you weren't sure why, but you felt a wave of terror flow over you, creeping down your spine.

You walk forward through the area, not really knowing where you're headed- but you see something out of the corner of your eye- someone.

You woke up with a jolt. Someone was hugging you, and you, with your head still being fuzzy, didnt recognize it was just James. You tried to sit up quickly and jumped when an arm grabbed you.

"Y/N?" Mumbled a familiar voice drowsily "What's wrong?"

You come to your senses after realising where you are, and lay back down.

"Sorry.." You start.

"Was it another bad dream?" He said in his monotone voice as he started to sit up. "Y/N, You know I won't let anything happen to you, right?"

You nod in response.

James gets out of bed and looks outside. It's dark, and the stars are visible as there are no clouds in the sky. He glances back at you, who are also staring out the window.

"Would you like to go for a walk with me?"

                        ~time skip~

You and James have just gone out, it's around midnight. The only noise outside is crickets, humming their song from the bushes. James walked with you along a path leading into a forest-like area, it was beautifully lit by the moonlight that shone in through the treetops above, and there were bushes and shrubs scattered around everywhere.

The crickets quieted down eventually, either that or you both had walked so deep into the woods that you had gotten away from them. The only noise now was the footsteps you and James were making as you walked on without speaking a word to each other, just enjoying the silence.

You eventually reach a small clearing. there is an unused fire pit and some logs to sit on surrounding it. James gestures for you to sit down and then walks off somewhere. you get a little unsettled but hear him coming back and are reassured.

"Scared?" He hugs you from behind, but as soon as your less tense he stabs the shit out of you, and then pushes you to the ground and stabs you more. there is blood everywhere. once hes sure hes stabbed you to the point of no survival, he walks off, leaving you there to bleed out.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2019 ⏰

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