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The end of something only marks the beginning of something new.

The cool night air whipped at my arms as I ran through the dark back alley. The moons dim light was flashing between the rooftops of the surrounding buildings, casting swirling shadows filled with secrets.

Typically such a cool and dark night would calm my wild thoughts and would make me feel lifted. To my dismay, the sound of footsteps pounding on the pavement in pursuit of me ruined the peaceful scenery.

"(Y/n)! Stop!" The sound of his voice made me shiver. I pick up my pace, though I know it was pointless. Safety was blocks away, and he was already gaining on me. My heavy bag thumped against my back reminding me what was at risk.

"Back off!" I growl over my shoulder, though again, it was a futile effort. He continued his chase, and I knew that I had to do something to gain somebody's' attention. Before I could muster a scream for help, a set of bright green eyes catch my attention. The dark outline of her feline form was tense with worry and there was a question dancing in her eyes.

"No." I mutter breathily. With a frustrated sigh and a lash of her tail she hurries ahead and turns down a corner to the left.

"Let's talk!" He shouts, voice filled with fake regret; a tone I had grown rather familiar with. Why couldn't he just leave me alone? I wonder silently as I dart around the corner after my four legged spirit animal. The light of the moon vanished behind a drifting cloud and left me stumbling in the darkness. My breathing became heavy as I panicked and floundered around the shadowy alley.

Finally I make my way around another corner and catch a glimpse of a dim blue light. It was small, but in the eternal empty darkness laid out before me it was a safe haven. I sprint towards the light filled with hope that maybe I would actually make it out of this alive and well in the end.

As I come closer it becomes clear that the light was coming from a tall hooded figure, and my cat friend was sitting at their feet. I couldn't make out any strong features, except the blue light that was coming from under their hood.

"Hey!" My voice quivered with fear, who knows what type of person I was running towards. "P-please, help-" before I could finish I trip up over my feet and land on top of my bag with a thud and a crack as my head hits the cement.

I blink wearily up at the tall figure and watch through blurry eyes as they look down at me, then they move around me to face my stalker. I blink again slowly at the tense pair before letting go of my consciousness and fading into the dark abyss of the unknown.

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