𝕄𝕠𝕙𝕒𝕞𝕞𝕖𝕕 𝕚𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖 ℍ𝕠𝕦𝕤𝕖 !

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Noah Mohammed

Noah is a very funny guy. He likes to make jokes about random things. He can also be very serious when he needs to be. 1 fun fact about him is that he knows how to fight because his friend forces him to go to the gym. He is also very protective about his friends and family . He will throw hands with you if you bad mouth them.

His name means rest and comfort.

his friends call him a Damian Wayne because  they look pretty much the same

his favorite songs are Mi Reina and Act up 

Fatima Usuf

Fatima is a very shy girl around people she doesn't know. She has limited friends and is really good at poetry and drawing. She usually wears loose clothing because she is self-conscious about how other people will judge her. When she warms up to people she is actually very funny and nice to be around. She has a pet cat and she will most likely will be found in a library reading a good book or studying. 

Her name means Captivating

Noah calls her his Somali princess because her parents are from Somalia. Her friends call her Tima

her favorite songs are Time in a bottle and Painkillers

Garvin Lewis

Garvin is a living meme. He loves to quote memes and movie references when he is working out. yes, he is the guy who forces Noah to go to the gym mostly because Garvin hates to be alone when he is working out. Garvin is also part of the school's Basketball team and he is very good at it! He can shoot baskets like it is no one's business. He also loves animals. He has a dog, a cat, and a gerbil.

His name means Rough and Cruel

his friends call him Gar .....but that is only to tease him

His favorite songs are Robbery and Homicide(he also jams out to Act up with Noah)

Sebastian Garcia

Sebastian is the younger twin of Raven. He is very talented with a camera. He loves to take walks in the city and snap some pictures while he is at it. He is really good friends with Noah and his gang. He can also be very awkward when he is talking with women or people older than him. He is also pretty short for his age and really hate when people ask for him height or mistake him as a freshman.

His name means venerable or revered

His friends call him Speedy Gonzales as a joke because he is short, but he is very slow.

His favorite songs are I Spy and Playinwitme

Adeel Hussain

Adeel is a very calm and collected dude. He is like the group's Moral compass. He loves to draw and he is very good at it. He is very creative and sometimes diabolical. He is like the old brother of the group. He makes sure that they have food and tutors them. He also is very protective of the gang. If someone is bothering them he will wait until they leave and have a talk(that will include a lot of threats) with them , but if the don't listen he will square up unlike Noah who will beat them up on sight.

His name means righteous or fair

His friends call him Deel 

His favorite songs are 679 and Grateful

Raven Garcia

Raven is Sebastian's older sister . Unlike Sebastian she is very average hight. She also plays many sports. She is a beast at cross country and Lacrosse. She also is not very artistic but she can play guitar . She also has been friends with Fatima ever since 2nd grade. She also learned to bake when Fatima forced her to learn. She also loves to bother her younger brother. Even though she empresses him she loves him. She makes sure that no-one bothers her brother.

Her name just means raven but the spiritual meaning is: 'The raven spirit animal is a reflection of the universe's mystical ways and is a true reflection of the family of bird spirit animals. When your life is full of raven symbolism, it just signifies that you have a strong and mysterious force surrounding you.' -Trusted Psychic Mediums

Her friends call her rave because she throws dope parties

Her favorite songs are 2002 and Roaring 20's

Hope you guys are looking forward to the first (real) chapter!

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