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The mount of tartarus had been breached, Zeus, Apollo and Aries descended from Olympus to investigate.

"Are you sure that someone broke in?" He asked his brother Apollo. "This place is heavily secured, this was created by Hephaestus only a god can enter this mountain ."

"Yes Aries" Apollo replied while looking in Aries  .

"But that's impossible no god will dare to enter this mountain."Aries said.

"That's the point no god from Olympus will go here unless a-"

"Silence" they heard a lound voice full of power.

When they turned around they saw Zeus the most powerful god that ever walked. "But father -"

Zeus looked to him coldly " I said enough!" And a thunder sound was heard in the mountain.

Aries looks frightened while giving Zeus a way to pass.

"Instead of talking go investigate." And the two went ahead not looking back at Their father


Moments later Zeus heard a familiar voice calling him.



"Father." Zeus said to himself and went into the top of the Tartaus and there he saw his father Cronus.

"Ah after 10,000 years my son had returned."
Said Cronus while being chained in the two pillars that's been draining his powers into the orb.

"What do you want?" Zeus said coldly while not breaking his gaze with his father.

"HAHAHAHA you expect me to need something from you? You're still a foolish child Zeus and when I am free all of the gods will be slaughtered by the titan gods" the voice of Cronus echoed.

Zeus smirks with cold eyes. "Don't get your high hopes father you will never get out from this place."

"Let's see about that son. AHHHHHHHHHH!!...." And the eyes of Cronus turned to gold while his body burst with lava and the chains that's been imprisoning him for 10,000 years melted.

Zeus was dumbfounded and Apollo and Aries came to see what happened.

"Impossible this cannot be." Aries said while preparing his hammer.

"Let's destroy him once and for all." Apollo replied and went at the back of Apollo aiming his bow and arrow at Cronus.

"Well I've never been in a good fight lately." Aries said."Father what is your command? "

Zeus was back to his senses and said "Go back to Olympus and call Poseidon"he closed his eyes and when he opened his eyes it was glowing white while electricity was circling his body and he raised his hand and called his master weapon the thunderbolt.

"But father-"

"Do as I say Aries now. I will hold him" Zeus said with finality.

"Yes father" and they stepped backwards and looked into the sky and disappeared while a gold and white mist was left.

"Do you think you can hold me!? I am much powerful and you know it." Cronus said still recovering his powers.

"You're still weak, I can still take you." And Zeus throws his master weapon at Cronus.

Cronus then caught it. "Impossible" Zeus was dumbfounded. "Do you really think that this jolt of lightning can hold me? You're still foolish as you'll ever be" and with that the thunderbolt was destroyed.

Zeus then raised his hands and the sky went dark, the sound of thunder echoed through the top of tartarus. He then summoned the most powerful lightning ever known and hits Cronus, leaving him lifeless in the ground.

"How's that for a jolt of lightning?" As Zeus begins to walk away. While he was in the middle he heard a chain that was being dragged  as he looked back flaming chains were moving fast towards his direction and were caught unable to cast his powers.

"Do you really think you can destroy me!?" Cronus said while changing to his original form 3 horns begun to sprout from his head and at the center of his horns were the eternal flames, lava armour begun to cover his body, a flaming cape begun to cover him.

"Your powers were spent that's impossible" Zeus said while trying to escape.

"Dear child do you really think that you and your brothers really captured me? HAHA!" Cronus said while walking away.


"Poseidon! Cronus had escaped his imprisonment." Apollo said.

"What?! Where is Zeus?" Poseidon asked.

"He stayed behind to hold Cronus." Apollo replied while Aries was calling all of the present god in Olympus.

"That bastard brother of mine" Poseidon said while slamming his fist into his seat.

"Hermes do have news?" Poseidon asked.

"Cronus had been freeing the other titan gods." Herms said.

"We need to eliminate this threat now." Athena interjected while walkin to her seat.

"We can't."

And they all looked at the door of their hall.


Zeus was badly injured and they all went to Zeus to aid him.

"Father what do you mean we can't? " Athena asked her father.

"We only sealed Cronus because they're were three of us me, Poseidon and Hades. And with Hades gone we are all doomed."

"Cronus will free all of the titan gods to kill us all and we will be no matched for them." Hephaestus interjected.

"But that doesn't mean we can't delay him" Zeus said while stepping beside the glass like earth in the center of their chambers and the other 12 gods followed him creating a circle around the glass like earth and with that their bodies were glowing with a gold mist and they directly focused their power into the glass earth and with the 13 gods power Cronus was casted out of the Earth and was sealed into the deep space.

"You know Cronus will return right?" Poseidon asked Zeus."

"Yes we're expecting that." Zeus said while looking up.

"We need him Zeus."

"I know." Zeus now looks down and he saw very familiar . Zeus was beyond shocked." He's back the god of death is back. Poseidon! Hades is back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2019 ⏰

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