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"The recent rise in gang activity has put the city is disarray. The Mayor would like to inform the people that there is no need to worry and actions are being taken to make this city safe again. Until then we would like people to avoid being alone at night and by aware of their surroundings."

I shut off the nightly news and get back to my homework. You would think with it being winter break I wouldn't have as much homework, but I couldn't be more wrong. School starts back up in two days and being the wonderful teenager I am, put off my homework until the last possible minute. It's not like I forgot about it. I just said I would do it tomorrow for the last two weeks. It doesn't help the fact that my math is kicking my butt every chance it gets.

I turned on the television to get my mind off the problem I have been stuck looking at for the last half hour. All that was on was the news and even then it wasn't that interesting or new. Everyone know that gang violence has been at an all time high, only idiots would walk outside at night alone. I mean it's like your asking to get killed.

"Sweetie. It's time to go to bed."

I turn around to see my mom walking toward me in her pajamas. Her hair sticking up every which way. She walks by to get a glass of water and with one last looks heads back to her bedroom.

Mom is usually more cheerful than this, but her job has been taking a toll on her lately. She leaves early for work and gets back late. It's really starting to build up her stress. She took a few days off for Christmas and New Years, but her work piled up and she is stuck playing catch up.

I told her she needs to get out more maybe go on a date just to get shut down. There were a few times where she got out with some friends of hers, but it doesn't happen very often. So, I gave up. It's up to her when she wants to go out. No need for me to try to convince her.

Though I don't really get out much more then her. I have friends in which I am willing to hang out with every once and a while, but no close friends who I can do anything with or call up randomly just to talk.

Though I am not that type of person. I enjoy doing things at my own pace and own time. Calling up people for no apparent reason doesn't seem very effective. No that I totally hate other people, in fact I am rather happy with the friends I have.

Ring! Speaking of friends. I pick up my cell and quickly answer.

"Hey, _____. It's me. I was wondering if you started the math homework Rix assigned. I just can't figure it out. You can help right?" Amanda pleaded with me. To be honest I have done about half of it today, but I have absolutely no idea how to do the other half.

"Yeah sure I'm working on it now. What can I help with?"


She had a lot more questions that I would have thought possible, but helping her figure it out helped me figure out my error. Turns out it was some silly simple mistake that I missed. Once I helped her we said good night and hung up.

Amanda is one of my better friends and school. We hung out a bit during the break and it was pretty entertaining. She can do just about anything but math. I told her it was like she was allergic to it and she tried to convince Rix that she was, but he didn't buy it and told her to stop wasting her time with petty excuses. Mr. Rix is probably the teacher who could care less about the students. Everyone is under the impression he hates all the students, but I think he just refuses to put up with our bullshit.

With math done and still other homework to do. I do the only logically thing any teen would to. Sleep and put it off until Sunday night. I get up from the couch and walk down the hallway to my room and fall sleep shortly after.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2019 ⏰

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