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Penelope Parkinson , younger sister of Pansy Parkinson herself

Penelope was the definite example of invisible , she didn't hold any titles , like so her sister did . Pansy was known for her blood prejudice & a complete bitch to anyone that wasn't pure-blood or in her precious house , Slytherin . Pansy is annoying & shadows  malfoy everywhere

Penelope on the other hand , is the complete opposite. She's quiet & mostly keeps to herself , her best friend , Luna Lovegood always by her side . Pansy & Penelope were like strangers when outside their home, maybe even when they're at home , it wasn't always like that , before her father involved himself with dark magic , being sisters with pansy was the best . Pansy would always look out for her sister , pulling off pranks on their parents every time they could get the chance to , pansy was protective & sweet but this all changed once her father introduced his own daughter to darkness , they grew distant from each other day by day . To one point , they completely stopped talking , Penelope always wondering why pansy acted so mean to her then

In hogwarts , people mostly forget that she's even related to pansy . Mostly because 1. She was kind hearted & didn't care whether a person she was talking to wasn't at all pure blood 2. She often sat at the Ravenclaw table at the great hall , always sticking with Luna , while Lunas fellow Ravenclaws considered her one of them because of how often she would stick with Ravenclaws & treated them kindly . She held almost the same dreamy & airy voice as Luna did . Both always up dated with their iconic magazine the quibbler .

The sisters parents , known as Marietta Parkinson & Adam Parkinson , seemed to favour the eldest . Mostly because their father was proud of what pansy has become . But their mother secretly despised everything her husband has done  . Penelope was young but she wasn't clueless , even though how many times her parents would shove her in her room to not let her know what was happening , she knew well what was happening , she knew .she's seen her father hurt both her mother and sister . Her mother pleaded her father for Penelope to stay out of everything. She's seen tears even from her sister , whenever she offered help , only led to more screams in the house .

All she knew was that her family was on the brink of falling apart .

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