devil does a thing.

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It was a lovely day in the realm of cards. Birds were chirping, kids were playing and it just seemed to be a normal day.
Of course, on days like these there are people who like to make others days miserable. In comes the Devil himself, in his purple corset and blotchy purple monocle. His 9-inch heels defy all physics as he perfectly struts down the sidewalk with flair. His toothy smirk knows no bounds as he sort of looks like the grinch due to his smile reaching both of his ears as he reached his destination.
Justice's house.
Well..not really house. Its more like a palace, but whatever. We will spare the details as Devil walks into the doorway because his heels are too long for him to walk through properly.
He scuttles through the doorway like a crab, before getting back up again once he was in the palace.
"Honey I'm home!" He shouts with a boast, taking off his monocle to clean it with his coat as he walked further inside. He got his answer when a familiar blond man came flying towards him with widespread arms and a small grin.
"You got here late." The other said with a small mocking tone, and Devil just snickered and sniffed his hair like the weirdo he was.
"Fashionably late you mean, my dear Justice~." Devil says, looking down at the smaller man with a small smirk of his own, before grabbing his chin and leaning in towards the frizzy-haired blonde.

Then he woke up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2019 ⏰

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