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Whenever He smiled,
I knew that I would fall for him.

I was so very scared.
I wanted to love him but I also didn't want to leave him.

The way he looked at me was like his eyes were smiling.
Like deep inside he was truly happy.

his face was so bright and beautiful especially when he was happy.
I wanted him to be happy forever.
After all, I love him.

I had to keep quiet and hold my emotions or I would break.
And I would die.
I can't feel anything close to love or I would make him feel sad and alone.
So when he confessed, I went against my heart and I told him the lie.

"I'm sorry but I don't feel the same"

He looked hurt.
The smile he always had on, was gone
He shortly left afterwards.
With that, I Sobbed.

"I'm sorry! Please forgive me!!" I screamed while sobbing my heart out.
"I'm sorry!! I lied!! Please don't get hurt! Don't be sad! Please!!!" I begged

I just couldn't help it.
At that moment all I felt was sorrow and misery.
After all I hurt something precious. 

He came back after awhile.

"What's wrong" He asked while rushing to my side. Worried.
"Nothing" was all I could say.
I looked away from him.
"Please tell me" he begged.
"I'm sorry"
"For what?"
"I lied and caused you so much pain" I started sobbing uncontrollably.
"Lied?? Lied about what?" He questioned with some kind of hope. Some kind of worry.

"I love you! But I can't!! I'm so so sorry" I sobbed out.
"Why can't u???" He seemed confused, happy but also desperate.

He held hope and something like fear. It was easy to tell, from his expression.
My heart would break and so would his.
"I would die"
"Why are u saying something like that?"
"It's true"

He just looked at me for a second then kissed me so hard. Desperately.
My heart was changing.
For once, I loved.
For once, I was scared.

Once he stopped, he looked at me and I looked at him.
I knew that The chain was tightening.

I wanted help but I knew I would never get it.

I looked at him and something changed in his expression.
He looked scared but also worried.
"What's wrong??" He desperately asked
"I love you" was all I could say as my last breath escaped me.

I was happy and sad at the same time.
And as I said those last words, I felt hot tears trailing down my cheeks.

I smiled then I closed my eyes and fell deep into the pain.

First was love, then gratefulness then sadness
Lastly I felt nothingness as I drifted off to eternal sleep.

'I hope someday we can live and love forever'
That was my true wish.


There in my arms, laid my one and only love.

I have always loved her.
It took time to realize it but I eventually did.

The time we spent together was precious.
We would talk, dance, laugh and so much more.

I loved her smiles, when she was excited and when she was happy.

One day When I confessed, I felt sadness overwhelm me as she told me that she didn't feel the same way.
I went home and cried for a long time.

I came back after while to see her but once I saw her, I knew something was wrong.

She had trails of tears streaming down her pretty face.

That day was the worst of my life because
That's when she died right in my arms.

She told me that she would die.
I couldn't believe it.
Cause just the thought scared me.

I kissed her just to show her how much I loved her.
Once we were done kissing, she said that she loved me.

I should have been happy but the way she told me made me think that she was somehow telling me, goodbye.

"Mina!!!!" I screamed and cried as she closed her eyes.

She didn't open them.

Then I realized what she meant when she said that she couldn't fall for anyone.
And I also realized what she meant by dying just by loving.

My heart felt pain.
Just because I would never be able to see her again.
She was gone. And so was her beautiful smile.

I sobbed while repeating her name over and over again.

After a bit of screaming and crying, the nurses quickly came in and took me away from Mina's now dead body.

"I love you" was all I could remember from her. It filled me with extreme sadness.

I wanted her forever.
But in one instance, she was gone.

After awhile I started drowning even more in my own sadness.
Until one day, I just couldn't take it anymore.
I also died.
I killed myself by starving.

Please bring us together again.
And please let us love each other more than forever.

That was my wish.

She was beautiful.
Both on the outside and on the inside.

I fell for her.
And she fell for me.

But, who knew that love can be the most dangerous thing out there.
The most heartbreaking thing known to man.

I just hope that someday we will find each other and fall in love again.
But this time it would last a very long time.

Not a single moment but forever.

Mina, I love you.
Please come back to my side again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2019 ⏰

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