A Single Soul

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All he could remember was a piercing light, a deafening sound and a headache.

The headache, he still had it. It was possibly the most horrible headache he ever had. It was one that made his mind wander off and his body heavy.

Last word he remembered? What was it... what was it... ah, now he remembered:


A bomb has hit his home. So why was he still alive? Where was he now? Perhaps this was all a dream and he was unknowingly shifting in his bed all this time.

Feliks blinked open his eyes. He looked around. The sky was cloudy. The air smelled of smog - then he suddenly felt a pain in his back. He sluggishly turned around to see piles of crushed bricks, rocks, wood and other materials that the blond boy couldn't define. This would explain the ache in his spine and muscles.

How long have I been lying here?

Feliks looked forwards. The world before him was nearly entirely flat with a bit of a hill here and there. He didn't see the tall buildings he used to see, in fact, he didn't see any buildings at all.

The boy used to spend his time in quiet places, however, the silence he faced now was one he wouldn't be capable of imagining then.

"Halo? Is anybody there?" He called.

The only response he received was a whisper from the wind.

"I never had anyone to be there for me to begin with, so this shouldn't be so different to me."

Feliks stood up, trying to keep his mind off the pain in his back. This was pointless, but maybe it was better than hopelessly waiting for death.

The ground crackled beneath his dusty, red shoes. It made a slightly different sound with every step. It wasn't much of a sound, but it was something to think of.

He walked like that and listened to those noises for some time, he couldn't tell how much time.

An even more unique sound caught Feliks's ear. It sounded like the ground, but was quicker and mixed with slight huffing. The boy looked up from his toes and saw another boy, likely his age, running towards him.

He looked tired and worn out.
"Oh God! A living human being! I'm not hallucinating, r-right?" The stranger exclaimed in English through wheezes and sharp breaths.

Feliks wasn't sure what to say. His fear of the unknown dominated his common sense. All he did was stare at the stranger. He wanted to say so much, but the words got stuck in his throat.

"I-I honestly thought that..." His voice trailed off, it had a distinctive accent, but definitely not a Polish one.

Once he was closer, Feliks got the chance to pay closer attention to his appearance. His hair was brown and messy, reaching a little bit further than his chin. His eyes were wide and green, they were difficult to read through all that exhaustion. He wore a once white shirt and brown pants. He was covered in dust just like Feliks was.

The blond boy was curious about this newcomer, but it was a curiosity mixed with some uncertainty. He knew that he wouldn't lose anything by talking to him and yet something held him back.

"You're probably shocked, aren't you? So am I..." The brown-haired boy's voice was nervous. He probably expected a reply from the Pole. "I'm sorry, I'll stop rambling now." Feliks didn't want this. He didn't want to be once again left with nothing but the crackling of materials beneath his feet.

"Don't!" Feliks suddenly spoke. "I mean, like, I totally don't mind you rambling and stuff. It's better than literally nothing, right?"

"Oh s-so you do speak in English." The definitely-not-Polish boy replied, sounding pretty surprised and taken aback by Feliks's words. "Where are you from? My apologies... I'm not sure where I am..."

"I'm from Poland. My name is Feliks."
"Ah... Nice to meet you Feliks. My name is Tolys. I'm from Lithuania."

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