The Journey Begins

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A young maiden took a deep breath. She was picking up herbs. "Hello my sweet Izumi", said a young man.

The girl sign and force a smile

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The girl sign and force a smile. She turn around. "Hello Monoma", she said. "Have you thought about my proposal?", he asked. "My answer is still the same", she said.

He growled in frustration. "That it. I am done being nice. We will be wedded tomorrow!", he said as he stormed out. Izumi look terrified.

~Later at night
Izumi look around at her home one last time. She walk out and went to family barn. She gently grabbed the rope to get her horse out.

 She gently grabbed the rope to get her horse out

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"Come on girl", she said as she climbs on. She clicked her tongue, and it started moving. After a hour, she to a detour so her horse to drink. She climbed down and saw a small cave. She enter to see a old rusted sword.

"A old sword, from the war if the heroes  kingdom. Maybe I can restore it, to it glory", she said as gently rub the tip, but she pricked her finger. She hiss as a drop of blood drip down on the sword. A blue gem appears on the handle as it glows, and a mist of white and blue swirl around the sword. Deku was still holding it, as it started turn gold. Unnoticed to her, her eyes was turn gold.

She gently lowered it, as her eyes turned back to normal. She look at the sword. "The heir kingdom sword", she whispered. She quickly exited as put it her dad's old scrubber. "Come on girl", she said as she climbs on her horse.

Deku The Female Knight Where stories live. Discover now