Chapter 1 - The Game and the Ankle

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August 25th, 1994.

As the early sunlight spread across the city, the air felt warm and fresh, hinting at the promise of a beautiful day ahead. The garden in front of me was bursting with life, buzzing and alive in every corner.

I walked along the curving stone path, the gentle crunch of gravel under my sandals creating a calming rhythm. The grass, kissed by morning dew, sparkled like diamonds, and the scent of blooming flowers wrapped me in a gentle hug. The colors were vibrant – fiery reds, cheerful yellows, and calm purples painted the scene in a delicate blend.

A wrought-iron table sat in the shade of the ancient oak tree as old as the Victorian house itself. Its sprawling branches provided a welcome escape from the sun's warmth. I settled onto a seat, feeling the coolness of its metal against my skin. Leaves were rustling softly, accompanied by the distant sounds of the city, creating a soothing blend of nature and urban life.

The air smelled of freshly cut grass, with a twist of heat, the rare warm breeze coming through the bushes ever so often. The thick bushes gave the house the very needed privacy of a wizard home, even without the countless charms that prevented muggles from peeking into our garden. I poured myself a cold glass of iced tea.

Suddenly, a loud crack burst my bubble of thought and made me drop the heavy glass, spilling the tea all over my dress and the newspaper that was waiting for me next to the pitcher.

''Ugh!'', I groaned at the three figures appearing in front of me.

''Good morning miss!'', said an unfamiliar small house elf, quickly picking up the glass and putting it back on the table, tea still dripping from it onto my dress.

''Oh Merlin, I missed you so much!'', cried Amelia throwing herself at me in a crushing hug. Her tanned skin was glowing warmly, she seemed to have absorbed the sun's embrace during her trip. The sun-kissed highlights in her hair were shimmering in the morning light. Around her wrist, a dainty bracelet of seashells and beach stones added a touch of coastal charm to her otherwise vibrant ensemble.

I stood up, untangling myself from her. Graham stood tall and proud, with a Cheshire smirk on his face. His complexion contrasted his usually sleek dark hair, giving him the distinct rugged charm of someone who would probably catch on fire if left in the sun for too long. Today however it was as if he had just emerged from a day spent in mountains, his hair tousled by the wind and a healthy flush on his cheeks.

''You could have knocked you know. Also, you're early.'', I sounded like my father if someone were to mention England being crushed by Romania in the Quidditch World Cup, rather unhappy.

''That would be no fun. Plus, the muggles would have seen us had we apparated in front of the house.'', he ruffled my hair and proceeded to grab a biscuit from a tray on the table. ''Why are you just standing there? We have to go!''

''He's been acting like this since last week. Boys.'', Amelia rolled her eyes at him.

''Come on, chop-chop ladies! The match of the year is waiting! Imagine the booze the Irish will bring...'' he seemed to have gotten lost in the thought.

''Speaking of boys, where is that handsome little brother of yours?'', Amelia asked sneaking a look at the window of Theo's room.

''Stop that! He's in Cornwall with Father, I highly doubt he would raise his nose out of his books to watch Quidditch with you two. Ugh, now I need to change.''

It was a half-truth. I didn't completely understand why my brother preferred our stately or rather country home to the London house. It was colder, darker, and always felt more formal, probably because of the sheer size of it. But Theo was under our father's watchful eye this whole summer even more so than he usually would be, studying old magical tomes and having weekly tea with the Malfoys. I missed them both, but not enough to put a hold on my summer of hedonism.

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