Super Sized Sauce Seductress Screams for Seconds at Saltlick (18+ smut)

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YOW my chubby fatty brisket is moist. For Jimin, I'm the all you can eat meat 31.95. I supply the moist extra fatty brisket and Sweet Jimin supplies the hot sausage dripping in molten sauce... his korean sauce ;)

Wow the night was starting HOT hot HoT. 100 degrees out here. This bitches sweat was sweating. I swear I lost 15 lbs just walking to the door. Jimin held the door for me and ushered me in. The joint was southern. Pit of assorted meats and friendly southern accents everywhere. We arrived to our table and took our seats, put in our drinks and began to conversate. The talk started steamy. I told him how naughty I felt being a cow in a place full of hungry beef lovers. I grazed my sausage fingers across his joggers over his bulge of beef rib. I felt it twitch as I whispered my price tag into his ear. "31.95" I repeated. "All you can eat" I urged. He was losing it I could tell. Before the waiter was able to refill our barbeque baked beans, side of coleslaw, small bowl of potato salad, loaf of thick sliced bread, and platter of onions and pickles. We requested togo boxes because we were feeling hungry for each other and could not wait any longer. We boxed the food and ran to his car. Man's was driving 75 on a 65 zone. Boy did I have a rebel.

We reached my shit hole of an appartment and flew to my room. He ran up the stairs as fast as he could while I waited for elevator to pull up my fat ass. I figured both of us together would be pushing the weight limit. I busted open the door and tossed his ass onto the bed. After carefully placing our to go order down on the table. I lunged onto him. Pushing my bed springs to their breaking point. We went at it rough. Jimin was a korean animal in bed. The way his tongue danced across my sloppy bulgogi. I couldn't take this abuse. He slapped my lumpy ass and I screamed "Aw fuck"my half & half cobbler is oozing. Jimin reached his breaking point after 18.95 seconds and screamed. My Bread was soaked and soggy from not only my juices but from burst of hot melted vanilla cream of Jimin.

Jimin turned to me eyes glazed with tears. I look up and meet his gaze. "Whats wrong? Was it too loose? I can send it back." I croaked. Jimin wipes his tears and faces me again. He says " No, its not that. Its just... that was my first time and I wanted it to be special." From these comments I felt lost. Was this not special to him? I felt like this was the greatest moment in my entire chubby life. Before i could react Jimin reached over and wiped the tears away from my chubby cheeks and grinned. "I'm not crying because I'm sad silly. Im crying because it felt like throwing a hotdog down a hallway ;(" he whispered. I began to bawl. "Excuthe meee" He giggled as he darted out of the room into his car and zoomed off. I felt like dumbest fat bitch on earth.

Suddenly I felt a rush and my eyes shot open. I looked to my side to see Jimin still there next to me in bed. Im so used to being fat shamed and bullied that it translated into my love life. Jimin loves me and my large frame for what I am. Jimin wakes up, turns to me and says "Y/N I dont care that youre fat. Now go back to sleep chubs.". I smiled at the thought of my new nickname. I closed my eyes and went back to bed. Jimin zoom zoom's my heart like a rocket :)

Jimin's Dessert Y/N x Jimin Smut 18+Where stories live. Discover now