gods word not mine

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So it has me wondering is there a god, is there a heaven or hell is there a such thing as love because people seem to not feel a thing could it the world going cold our our hearts is it our life or just a game is there a thing between the line of straight and gay that people cant cross because this book they call the bible is in the way did god really ask someone to wright it or is it all in our head is there a place of parodies or just fire is there a thing about u or me that people just hate or is it the fact that the world is so immature that they dont care or is it the fact that life of other are different. So my one question is do u think we r equal or we r just a weast of space because in all reality this world is fake ,immature,  pricks that dont give a crap obout others so what is this world. If u read this plz message me ur answers

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2019 ⏰

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