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AN: Hello dumplings! New story! I had intended to post this monThs ago but was always too busy, so here it is.

Before we jump in, I'd like to give credit and thanks to CANDYPJM for the initial begining plot of this story. If you haven't already read their plot book you absolutely should!

I decided to name this chapter after the origionally chosen title.


You jolt awake from a half-slumber you had nearly fallen victim to, almost messing up your carefully brushed hair in the process.

Blinking, you quickly glance around yourself, and for a moment are rudely blinded by a beam of light that had been reflected off a nearby motorcycle.

"Hey, the light's green lady, hurry up!"

Before you even have a chance to raise your hand and sheild your eyes, a muffled shout from somewhere behind you cuts out most of the other noises of the busy street surrounding the small intersection you're sitting at. Then suddenly, without warning, everything comes back into focus.

"Shit.." You peer into the rearview mirror to see a rough looking hand flipping you off outside a grimmy, dusty, truck window. Just as you had expected.

You sigh, averting your gaze back to the front windsheild to notice that the light had turned green, as the man had, ehm, nicely reminded you.

Letting out a groan, you accelerate the car again and continue on down the next few sloppily paved streets without running into much of a problem. Yet you soon arrive at another location where the traffic, not surprisingly, is completely stopped up again.

Stuck behind another car, at yet another intersection. Fantastic, yet understandable. It does happen to be the huge BTS fan-sign today after all.

Speaking of the BTS fan-sign, you laugh lightly, trying to dispell your bad mood from the early morning traffic. You reach over to roll down the side window before promptly stopping yourself; the breeze would mess up your hair.

Of course, that isn't allowed to happen. You definitely don't want to be looking like a dishelved pinecone when you'll be proposing to your idol.

Ah, now that you think about it, the whole idea is pretty silly. After all, Yoongi's vlive, joking around, probably a little tipsy, telling the fans that he would accept and sign the first marriage contract brought to him by a fan, wasn't in the least bit serious.

You smile to yourself, patting your face a few times, as there's really no need to be holding on to the steering wheel at this point. He was just so cute wearing his pajamas and tapping his pen on the table, you're certain there's no way you'll ever get over the adorableness. Ah... you could just melt right into your seat-

"Hurry. Up!" So entangled in your own thoughts, you almost don't hear the familiar voice from behind you. Honestly, you don't even need to look in the mirror again to see who it is.

As evident, the line has once again cleared up a bit, but that can wait.

You reach over to the window button, giving it a quick tap and the glass rolls down a few inches. Without much more of a thought, you stick your middle finger out the gap and put your other hand back onto the steering wheel.


"Oppa, saraghaeyoooo~!"

Yikes. The building the fan meet is supposed to be in has to be at least a block away, but even from your parking spot, you can already hear the vulture-like screeches of a few particularly loud fans. Ah, today will be interesting.

Quickly you unbuckle yourself, grab your purse, and begin walking towards the ear-breaking shouts ringing around the parking garage.

You look down at the map you have pulled up on your phone, and seeing how red the streets are around the vicinity, you quicken your pace. There's no way you'll forgive yourself if you're late to this event.

Not too much later, you run into a crowd of excited fans at an intersection. They turn to look at you but don't pay much attention. Hah, who really cares anyways? You look down to make sure the documents are still in your purse, smiling to yourself when you see them peaking out from the corner.

The beeping of the walking sign signals pedestrians' turn on the road, and looking back up the line can already be seen, lengthening by the second. Damn. You had gotten up so early, hoping to get at least a reasonably close seat, but it looks like there's no way that'll happen now. The line is already snaking down the block, disappearing around a corner.

Sighing again, you run forward onto the street to catch up with the rest of the bubbly fans, who seem to not care about the fact that they'll have to stand for a few hours just to get into the building.

After almost tripping over a pair of annoyingly tall high heels twice, you finally get off the road and begin making your way to the end of the scrunched line, wherever that may be.


It's going to be a long day.

Hmm what'd you guys think of the first chapter? It's kind of short but I take a long time to think of things rip. Anyways, feedback would be appreciated! Also, make sure to check out my other completed work! Until next time ✌️

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2019 ⏰

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