1- Monday Already?

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Kasper's POV

"Kassperrr!! Come on you have to go to school!", my mom yells from the kitchen
"Aghh I'll be down in a second", I respond rubbing my tired eyes. I roll out of my bed stumbling onto the floor, my hoodie crashing my fall. The first thing I do is look in the mirror
"wow I look like a mess haha"
I put my fingers through my curly brown hair and smile at myself
"It's gonna be a good day Kasper"
I pick up my deodorant putting some on before I leave so I don't smell like shit and brush my teeth. Then I walk down stairs grabbing two strawberry pop tarts and kiss my mom goodbye. Now I'm off to Willow's house, back off to my fake life..
I pull up at her house expecting her to maybe be up and ready for me.. she's sleeping again like she always is.
"Hi Heather! I'm gonna go abduct your daughter", I say to Willow's mom walking up the stairs
"Okay have fun!"
I walk in to hear her snoring loudly.. she sounds like an elephant when she sleeps haha
I then come over to her bed and
Willow jumps up out of her bed, falling on the floor smiling
"I hate you Kasper! Let your fake stoner girlfriend sleep won't you!"
"But we need to go to school silly", I say pulling the covers off of her body.
"Oh shit really what day is it"
"Monday",I laugh
Willow gets up and slips on her usual tie dye t-shirt, ripped jeans, and blue vans.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2019 ⏰

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