Charpter 1- The beginning

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  The most haunted hotel in Canada, the Banff springs hotel, is rumored to be haunted by the spirit of a burning bride, falling to her death from the stairs on the 3nd floor. As well as the spirits of a family located in room 873. The room has scared so many guests that stayed in it, they had to board it up, it is no longer available to rent, if you want to stay in it you will have to find the front desk through the maze of hallways surrounding it. Most of the lights dont work in the hallways and if you attempt to go through them you will certainly be running.
    This did not stop the most powerful friendship although. Brooklyn was one of the smartest people on this earth, she even got excepted to Harvard, through her flawless track record and astoundingly good grades. Caleb on the other hand was not so bright, but he made sure he made that up in muscle, as a 4-time winning champion for the truck pulling contest in Albera, Canada he didnt need to be smart. Jason was not as smart or buff as his friends but he was fearless, he would do any dare, anytime, he was not afraid of death and he just wanted to make everybody happy with his crude humor. Jason planned a trip for his friends, there was a hotel that was close by and a swimming pool. The hotel was fairly cheap and looked great from the outside. The total for all 3 for 1 night was $39, this was such a deal because the pool looked amazing! Jason walked up to caleb and threw a pair of shorts at him, "pack your stuff let's go, you too brooklyn". Caleb gets up picking up brooklyn with him, "STOP PUT ME DOWN!" Brooklyn giggles as she pounds on Caleb's back, "where we going?" Caleb yells as he carries brooklyn to the room and plops her on the bed. Giggling can be heard from the other room, jason walks in and raises an eyebrow, "it's a surprise".

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2019 ⏰

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