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taehyung groaned softly, whacking his staff against the group. "this thing doesn't fucking work." he whined, speaking in pout.

jimin, who was sitting cross legged on the couch and reading a book, looked up, rolling his eyes. "maybe because you're breaking it by smashing it against the floor, genius."

taehyung shot him a glare, and tapped the emerald set at the top of the wooden staff. "work motherfucker."

the green jewel flickered slightly with light, then dulled again, and taehyung whined.

namjoon, taehyung's mentor, appeared. he was very good at teleportation and startling taehyung. he was leaning against the doorway, smirking in an amused manner. "you need a connection with the staff."

"we have a connection!" taehyung protested, staring intently at the staff with emerald green eyes that matched the jewel, his brow furrowing in concentration. "see? one hundred percent connecting."

"it won't like you if you keep yelling at it." namjoon pointed out.

"it's literally a stick. it doesn't have feelings." taehyung protested cutely.

the staff started buzzing and shocked taehyung, causing the apprentice to fall back with a yelp.

"it definitely doesn't like you." jimin giggled softly.

jimin was taehyung's best friend. they'd known each other since they were little kids. the older boy was an angel, literally. he had pretty white wings and a silvery halo shaped mist around his head.

taehyung was a warlock apprentice. he had a strong connection with nature and animals, but was also oddly good at spells that tied into dark magic.

"well how do i connect with it, then?" taehyung sighed, exasperated.

namjoon smiled. "that's something that i can't teach you."

"that's the excuse of someone who doesn't know the answer." taehyung huffed. "whatever. i'll just go back to using my wand.." he pulled out his pine wand with tiny emeralds engraved into the surface to look like leafy vine patterns.

there was a knock on the door. namjoon snapped and the door immediately opened with the flash of a few violet sparks.

jin walked inside. jin was a baker in the nearby village. taehyung and jimin knew that jin and namjoon liked each other, but the two refused to admit it.

"namjoon, i need to talk to you." jin said, looking quite breathless. his cheeks were flushed and his clothes were a bit torn up. he had clearly been in a rush to see the warlock.

namjoon arched his brow. "i'm all ears hyung.."

jin glanced at taehyung and jimin, who stared back at their hyung innocently. "in private.."

"right, of course." namjoon said hastily. "taehyung, jimin, go check the monster traps by the waterfall." he commanded.

"aw, but we wanna hear. we promise you can trust us~" taehyung said, pouting like a baby tiger cub.

jimin nodded, clasping his hands together hopefully. "yeah, c'mon. pleaseee?~~"

"no." namjoon said simply, gesturing towards the door.

taehyung and jimin grumbled, but knew not to mess with their hyung. they sighed in defeat and left the hidden mansion.

"we should try listening from the window." taehyung suggested as soon as they closed the door.

jimin nodded, sneaking around the the painted glass window.

they heard jin's voice drifting out of the window. ".. delivered a prophecy last night saying that.."

namjoon glanced at the window, and taehyung and jimin ducked down just a second too late.

namjoon flicked his ebony wand towards the window, and a fog covered it, muffling their hyungs' words so that they couldn't make out what they were seeing, and couldn't read their lips.

"shit." taehyung cursed, crossing his arms. "fine.. let's go check the traps.."

jimin nodded solemnly, starting to lead taehyung through the glowing almost teal forest dappled in blue and green light from the trees above.

taehyung kicked pebbles and twigs as he walked in a pouty manner, then stopped as he reached the clearing.

jimin gasped softly, running over to something that had been caught in the monster trap with wide cotton candy blue eyes.

taehyung stepped closer as well, and could now make out the features of a beautiful slightly younger boy with slightly long and fluffy dark brown hair that fell around his face in barely a noticeable curl, his bangs ending at his brows. he had white bunny ears and a white bunny tail, and was wearing only pants with no shirts to hide his six pack of abs. his eyes were closed peacefully, but a look of pain was on his face. taehyung could see why. the younger's leg was caught in the trap and bleeding way too much to be healthy.

jimin looked up at taehyung. "we have to help him."

taehyung hesitated, but nodded finally, kneeling beside the hybrid and examining his perfect face more closely.

he felt dread, love, deja vu, and fear all at once. something great yet terrible would come from this meeting.

he just didn't know what. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2019 ⏰

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