Chapter 1: A Sudden Encounter

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It was a lovely day outside, the sun was out, other potatoes and stick figures were playing around outside, but Chartato preferred to stay inside, as he was still playing his video game after 2 days non-stop.

Chartato's POV
"Just... one more.... hit..... YESSSSS" I yelled loudly as I finished the game. I haven't slept in 2 days, and this is my first time yelling after a while, so it felt good to open my mouth and speak again.

The credits started rolling, but I didn't bother to read them, so I just turned of my console. I stood up and went near the window with closed curtains. I opened the curtains to let some sunlight in.

"Ah!", the sun rays came in contact with my face. It's been a while since I've seen the outside world or ate proper food, I've food off junk food and soda for the fast few days.

"Let's get some sunlight", I said as I walked near the door beside the window. I opened it and stepped outside.

"I guess it rained recently" I said to myself as I felt the moist grass in my feet. I continued walking until I reached the side of my house, there was a rock there. I sat on the rock which the sun was shining brightly at.

Surprisingly it wasn't hot at all, in fact it was a bit cold, good thing it rained.

A chilly wind blew.

It's spring now, normally most people go out and do things during this time, since it'll be wet and rainy in the next few months.

'I wonder what I should do-',

And then I got hit in the head with a ball.

"The heck?! Where'd this come from?" I said as I held the ball, there weren't really any kids playing nearby, so where could this ball have come from?

Suddenly it started moving.

First, it hit me in the head. Then, it went to the ground. Next, it jumped up in the air. And somehow, grew a stick man like body, except for the fact he had charizard's wings and tail.

The last thing that was added to this weird stick man like thing was the face. Afterwards it looked at me with a blank face.
And said:

"Who are you?"

Who am I?! Who are YOU? You just hit me twice and then act all casual about it? Anyway, I concealed my anger and calmly replied,
"I'm Chartato".

"Hi Chartato! I'm Charisard, nice to meet you?" he replied back.

His response sounded like a programmed response you'd here from a robot of some sort, but he didn't seem like a robot at all. And Charisard? Why is it an s instead of z? Well either way, I shouldn't be judging a stick man by it's name. I better ask questions about him though.

"So... Charisard... Why exactly did you hit me twice?" I asked,
"Or better, Where'd you come from?"

"I have no clue of my origin or past" he responded, sounding like a robot,
"But I must say that I have a purpose to fulfill"

"Which is?"

"Forming an exploration team and join a guild"


This guy, wants to join a guild? Wait, an exploration team, does that mean he's gonna...?

"I want you, Chartato, to please join my team"

~~To be continued~~

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2019 ⏰

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