The Guardian's Beginning

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I summoned my magic glowering at the child ahead of me, we have preformed this dance far too many times and for far too long, My dialogue has lost all meaning and there is no longer a point in repeating it.

I stare into her blank red eyes, her milk chocolate hair continuously fell in front of her face. Her olive skin cover with dust, as well as her cotton candy clothes, and purple cape I had once adored.

Upon her head dawned a gold crown that was adored more jewels than I had planned to count.

My family's items dawned on me making me slow because of all the added weight.

I ignited my eye and grabbed her SOUL throwing her back, her eyes widened when I did not speak before attacking.

My SOUL burned with perseverance!

She quickly caught herself and braced herself for the wall and jumped up.

The gold and orange floors mocked our dance. Following my green and purple magic as it flamed from my bones, the echoey castle walls echoed her padding feet that smacked the tile so harshly.

She lifted her heavy scepter and I lifted my hand in return, bones shot out of the ground, destroying and unearthing the gorgeous tile, with such a chaotic and ridged pattern.

She jumped back and aimed her scepter at me.

"JUST DIE ALREADY YOU INSIGNIFICANT MONSTER!!" She yelled as her scepter began to glow as red and as bright as her eyes.

An orb began to build on the tip of the scepter. I summoned my Blasters so I could counter.

I could feel the heat on my bones, but that didn't stop me from fighting, I charged and summoned a bone spear as I got close, I swung it at her.

She saw me and spun, she snatched the bone and yanking me close, I released it as the scepter veered close.

I landed on my back and rolled out of the way of my own attack.

I hopped up back to my feet and shot more bones at her.

I ran to a column and glared at her, I conjured an orb of magic, it fluctuated too eager to be used.

I circled Frisk, grabbing bits of the orb chunking them at her. She dodged every one, leaving only a damaged tile when they made contact.

"Why? Why are you doing this?!" I screamed at her, hoping for an answer this time, searching her face, she smiled. My feet stuttered, making me slam into the sparking floor. I wasn't expecting her to do that, it caught me off guard!

I scrambled up as she hammered her weapon into me, I shrieked as it actually made contact and with my hand no less!

She crushed it! My hand was shattered, cracks began to make their way up my arm, black liquid oozed from the wounds.

She whirled her blunt weapon at me once again.

I moved.

But I was too late...

I howled as the heavy attack sent me back and pinned me down as she released it.

I wheezed and looked around, everything swirled and blurred. I grabbed the blunt and lifted up, she kicked my face my vision fizzled out.




I heard cries and felt a faint pain...

How was I still alive?

Just let me die! Let me move on and join my family!

Then there was a light, and I could see, the light allowed me to hear fully again, but all I heard was this awful, annoying ringing.




I suddenly shot up! I was alive!! I was truly one hundred percent alive!

...but how?

I clawed at my body and felt my body trying to see if it was a dream, I released a wheezed and a sobbed as I reaching my face with some relief.

My whole world suddenly crashed as my hand went through my sockets and soaked up this black liquid, I shrieked.

I rattled with fear.

"Identifying Code malfunction..." I jolted and swiveled around.

There was a... person made of metal. Red hair and vibrant red eyes. Her calves glowed blue and her metal reflected our surroundings... stars, nothing but stars.

"Transferring information..."

I jolted being welcomed back to reality, I looked to her. "Who are you?" I moved back noticing I had no feeling in my arm as I leaned on it, I glanced to it.

A large, slick, ugly tentacle replaced my arm. I froze, he felt a scream in my throat, but all that escaped was a whine.

What happened to me? I glanced to my hand, it was held together by the same liquid the the tentacle was made of, my elbow leaked it as well.

Upon further examination, so was the base of my skull, the liquid leaked down my neck!

I lifted my shirt and wailed, I was covered it this black stuff, I didn't have any ribs, and barely half of my spine was still there!

I cried and discovered... I had no tears...

I screamed and curled up.

I'm a monstrosity! A freak!! How did I even survive?!

"What's wrong with me?!" I whined "What did I do to deserve this?!"

"Zero." The metal person called. I looked at her, hoping for answers.

"Identification Confirmed. I am Chara. Operator. Robotic. Executioner, CORE. Rise, Zero." I watched her and she waited patiently for me to listen. I stood and she took my hand.

"Guardian and Protector Of NormadicVerse... Title Transferred..."

I yelped and tried pulling my hand away as she suddenly shut down and blinked out of existence.

At last minute I was released and I looked to my hands... a thin card like object melted into my hand.

A bright light flickered on behind me and I pivoted towards it and gaped. There were screens! Hundreds of them? And every since one had a moving picture and a little label to match it!

SOULenTale, DreamTale, UnderMemory... There were so many...

Then I saw a pitch black screen... NitroTale...

My SOUL told me this one was mine. I held my scarf.

I looked to my hand... "Guardian?"  I squeezed my scarf.

"I don't think I can do this Undyne..." I starred at a the blank screen "How would I even do this...?"

Questions flooded my head, but as they overwhelmed me, my gaze trailed to one of the screens, to someone staring straight at me and smiled to me, like they were my friend.

I smiled back. Were they looking at me? As my SOUL swelled with joy, the joy was taken from me as they turned away and ran off.

"Soul..." I named them, and sat down, maybe I could get used to this...

A/N: Welcome to my NormadicVerse! My Multiverse! It's still a work in progress, but I have finally managed to write the first chapter down! Also! Art up there is mine! And it's from his birthday so ignore all the Disney and Harry Potter stuff, but other than that it's still perfect for knowing how Zero looks now!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2019 ⏰

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