Chapter 1

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I sat on the hard, uncomfortable hotel bed, guitar in hand as i strummed absentmindedly on the chords singing whatever came to my head. 

"I won't let these little things, slip, out of my mind. 'Cause it's you, oh it you, it's you they add up to and i'm in love with you.... And all these little things" I sand Little Things by One Direction. Today was the last day of the Where We Are Tour and after today, everything was changing. Me, Calum, Michael and Ashton will all be touring on our own for the first ever time. That means no more hanging about with the 1D boys... I swear i'll miss them a lot. 

The rest of the guy's knew I liked being alone before doing a show, especially when it's the last. I always get so nervous and start to shake so I like to sit on my own and prepare myself, lame I know. 

My shaking hands strummed the chords I wanted.

What if i mess up?
What If no one likes the band? I mean everyone here is here to see One Direction, not us..
What If I get all the chords wrong?
I would probably start panicking big time...

Thought after thought stumbling in my head as I came to terms with everything.
Today's the last show and you know what? I'm gonna put my heart and soul into it like everynight!

"Luke.. It's time" Ashton said through the door after a soft knock. Ash was always the one to get me, we was the closest in the band to be honest. Fans think Cake is the closest but actually, Lashton is. "Coming" I announced loudly and I quickly put my guitar on the bed, rushing out the door. 

Tonight, the fans won't know what has hit them....

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2014 ⏰

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