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Natsu's has a few character flaws. Like motion sickness. He also has a bad habit of saving Lucy's ass *cough cough Nalu forever Nali can burn in a trashcan fire cough cough*. But what we really want to talk about is how dense he is.

Natsu, I feel, doesn't understand the basics of a human relationship. He obviously didn't go to high school - or middle school for that matter. But we love the fact that he is dense. It's what makes Natsu Natsu.

Also can we talk about the fact that 1( if Nali ever happened, everybody reading this would jump off a bridge with Hiro Mashima San in there arms. And 2( he would probably not know what the word sex is because it's not in his vocabulary. He probably doesn't know what a kiss is.

Has anyone else read stories where nalu happened and Lucy got pregnant and ran away from the guild. And there kid comes back like 7-17 years later and Natsu is the only one who hasn't put the pieces together. Even though she has the EXACT same hair color, AND smells like Lucy. But he doesn't find out till the end of the book. And it's really frustrating, but we read it anyway because we love it and we love the density level of 1,000,000 that is Natsu Dragneel.

Hey thanks for reading my book and I hope I made you laugh and hopefully not cry. This is my first book. Also if you check out my profile it says my name is Asia Lopez. That is not true. If you message me I will tell you the story of how I came up with that name. Hope you like this! Next chapter: Gray Fullbuster. We have a lot to talk about there! lyttmab( love you to there Moon and back)! Tata for now!

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