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I open my eyes and see smoke burning into the pitch black sky. Something's on fire. When I realize how difficult it is to breathe I know I'm right in the middle of it. My vision is blurry and everything around me is in slow motion. I try to move but I can't and pain seeps through my left arm and my right thigh. There are lights flashing and I hear muffled yelling.

I turn my head slightly to my left only to see a terrible sight of my mom flipped over, unconscious. Her body is twisted up badly and there's blood everywhere. As painful as it is I reach my right arm across my body and try to shake her as hard as I can.

"Mom, mom wake up" she doesn't move. "Mom, mom c'mon we gotta go!" I raise my voice, still no movement. Tears are flooding down my face now and I'm starting to panic. "MOMMY!? MOMMY PLEASEE,WAKE UP WE GOTTA GO!!MOMMY!!". No matter how loud I get or how hard I shake her she's still motionless.

Suddenly I'm being lifted and pulled out of the car, away from my mother. Two firefighters carry me to a gurney and place me on it. But I'm too focused on my mother at the moment. "NO, LET ME GO, YOU NEED TO GET HER, PLEASE SOMEONE SAVE MY MOM!!" I try to get up but the paramedics strapped me down. I can't stop crying. The last thing I see is my mother lying there, blood pooling out of her as the fire swallows the rest of the car. Then everything goes black.

A/N~Super short ik😅

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