I'm Nothing Without You

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“Hey, are you alright?” he picked up the phone without checking it. That was the only voice he wanted to hear in that moment, but he dreaded the question.

“Yes. I'm still working. I will have it for another hour or so.” His reply is simple. It's the same answer he's been giving her for a couple of weeks, more or less.

Her voice seems unsure on the other side of the line. “Ah, that's not a problem. Your car is warm.”

He sighs and looks around. They are almost done setting up the next scene, and he has to go soon. “It's better if you go home, Da Hae-ya.”

“I have no hurry to get back home. And tomorrow I'm leaving again, I want to say goodbye. You know we may meet again on Sunday next time, huh?” Her tone is playful, she sounds happy. He doesn't want to give her a bad reply, but he feels like he should.

“It's already 1.30am. It's late. You need to catch on some sleep. I'll still be here when you get back from your trip” he says with a cold tone. It looks like the voice you make when you have to tell somebody bad news.

She doesn't seem to give up. “Nah, nah, nah. I'm alright. I could wait for the whole day in here, ah! We couldn't met up in Japan, and -”

Da Hae. Go home. I'm asking this as a favor. Why you never listen to what I say?” He sounds frustrated, and he is. “They are calling me.”

She avoids his question. “Okay. I'll see you then.”

She hung up. He closes his eyes for a second and bites his lip. He hates when he bosses his girlfriend around when she is so cheerful to be around him, but he feels like it's better this way for that Tuesday. He is going to make up to her when she will be back from Guangzhou.

After roughly two hours, he is finally done with the work for the day. He says goodbye to the crew and the other actors, and he goes straight to his car. He is not gonna have many hours to rest, he is gonna film again first thing in the morning, but he wants to try to put his thoughts at ease.

He feels like shit.

He is tired and he is overworked. That was the first day of work after a couple of days where he rested with his family during his fan meeting in Japan. He hoped to spend even one of those days with his woman, but their arranged meeting couldn't happen because of the typhoon that hit the region. But it wasn't that made him feel bad.

He unlocks his car and gets inside carelessly. He is unbuttoning his shirt and he would take it off it he wasn't outside, but he refrains from doing it. He would take a shower when he gets home.

He sighs and shakes his head when he realizes something. He is not alone in the car.

His girlfriend is lying on the backseat, and she is sleeping. “I told you to go home. You never listen to me. Nobody does” he says, stressed out, as he turns to start the car.

“It's not true that I don't listen to you” she replies, making him look back at her.

“Since you are here, you did. Why didn't you leave?” he asks, he looks pissed off.

 Da Hae sits down and opens her mouth. It's not like they didn't have any arguments until then, but most of the times he was softer. “What's wrong?” she wonders.

“What should be wrong? Ah, perhaps the fact that you are here. I'm taking you home” he says angrily. “Was it too much to wait until Sunday?”

She sighs again. But this is not new. She is sure that he is angry and that he just says what comes up in his mind, which is things he doesn't really think. “Dong Wook-shi. You may kid others, but not me. What's wrong? Did something happen while you were filming?” she puts a hand on his shoulder, but he brushes it off.

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