Lets begin our journey!

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Hey. Hi. Hola. Konichiwa. Bonjour. Sup. So many ways to say hello and do you know how I get greeted every morning? "Yo little Red Riding Hood!"

I mean really I get that the world is full of imbeciles but I mean seriously is that the best they could do?

Hello my name is Lila Hood. You would automatically assume that because my last name is Hood that that's where I get the nickname from...but no.

I get the nickname because my hair is bloodshot red and one day about 14 years ago I wore a red jacket for about a week in kindergarten and it just stuck. Like BOOM! New nickname baby!

I mean really it literally went down like this, "Hey Lila... your wearing red... And you hair is red...and your last name is Hood...THAT MEANS YOUR RED RIDING HOOD?!?" I was never seen wearing that jacket again.

Ok but that's enough of that. other then my nickname predicament I would say that my life is pretty normal.

I have two amazing best friends, Bella Lumière the book nerd and Price Charming the schools playboy.

Together we form the group known as the Fairytales! (this name was completely forced upon us) Because of our personalities and names relating so much towards actually fairytale people. (if it wasn't obvious)

There is one more person I forgot to mention...that gosh darn evil,sadistic hair crazed, diabolically insane...CREATURE!!

Also known as Connor Wolf. Also known as the bane of my existence! Oh wait... Vane of my existence! I absolutely hate him with all of my heart. It's not like we even really talk, But it's HIS fault I'm stuck with this accursed nickname!

He was that darned little nosey booger eater and his tribe of no good bed wetters that put me in my doomed path to a never ending life of a failure of a nickname!

But enough of that! Now in this next parts that you will read will contain my journey on a path of self righteousness that will put me on the yellow brick road to achieving greatness and an A+ in 3rd period Science class! (Or at least a B-)

As I, Lila Misaki Hood (yes I am very aware of my middle name) go through many trials that may just have involved stealing from a baby store, breaking into school on a Saturday and maybe even giving birth to a pineapple in the middle of McDonald's.

Now as I write this back to myself I feel as though I have hit rock bottom...

And maybe even find love, or at least watch it happen. You'll just have to read to find out!

Ok now that's over I need to go to the store because we are out of pineapples... Just read the story.

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