Little One

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A/N Credit to SHOT A LOVE for the Doyoung picture!

You panted as you ran through the night streets of the city. What started as a calm night walk turned into a rugged street chase when a hooded, cloaked figure started to follow you. You didn't mind the figure at first, but when he continued to follow you no matter what turns you took, you knew that he was after you.

Trying to shake him off, you turned to an alleyway, shoving over random objects to help keep, or even increase, the space between you. Frustrated grunts from the figure caused you to look over your shoulder at him as you continued to run. A small smile came to your face as you saw him struggling with the new obstructions. Looking forward, you began to bolt to the other end of the alleyway, so close to freedom. A loud angry growl from the figure rang out from behind you.

"Screw this!" Shouted the figure.

His outburst caused you to turn around and look at him again — only to see a large rock being hurled your way. Your eyes widened as you tried to dodge, but it caught you in the wrist. You let out a cry in pain as the rock broke your wrist and made you stumble. Hurriedly, you grabbed your wrist.

"Come on, come on...!" Thought you as you continued to run. Within seconds, the pain in your wrist disappeared, but a new pain shot through your knee as another large rock was hurled at your legs. You fell forward, letting out a grunt in the process. You heard a chuckle behind you as you felt fear overcome your body. Looking behind you, you saw the figure draw nearer. You reached a shaky hand to your knee, concentrating.

"Well, well, well... The mouse has finally been caught," said the figure. You shifted to your back to get a better look at the figure, only to have his hand wrap around your throat and lift you off the ground. Immediately, your hands shifted positions to grip at his hand on your throat. "It'll be better if you don't struggle," said the figure again.

You grunted against his grip in response, causing him to let out a chuckle again. Concentrating, you felt the strength return to your previously busted leg. In a swift motion, you kicked the tall figure square in the solar plexus. Having the wind knocked out of him, he let you go and you dropped to the ground. While he gripped at his abdomen, you scrambled to your feet. You didn't get far when you heard him growl again.

"I'm done playing around!" he exclaimed. You turned around only to feel something grip your wrist. Looking at your wrist, you saw some sort of rock formation holding it prisoner. Another rock formation shot out at you from the opposite side, imprisoning your other wrist as well. Eyes widening in fear, you tried to break free of the rocks, but you proved too weak. More rocks then came from the ground, wrapping around your legs.

"What do you want from me?!" You shouted at the figure. The figure only smirked in reply as you could feel the rocks spread over the expanse of your body. A strained cry left your lips as you felt the pressure of the rocks increase. To you, this seemed like the end, and you began to recall what little good memories of your past you had to at least have some comfort before your death. You shut your eyes, not wanting to face the place and cause of your death anymore...

"Enough!" Shouted a commanding voice out of nowhere. The rocks stopped growing and tightening. You opened your eyes slightly to peep at a new figure entering the scene. Opening your eyes completely, you found that this figure was hooded and cloaked as well. The wind carried him down. "Let her go, Johnny," said the figure to the other one, now stepping on the ground. The other figure named "Johnny" grunted and complied. You felt the rocks fall from your body, causing you to fall forward once more. You let out a few coughs as you began to pick yourself up.

"Something tells me that you're not like the rest," said the hooded figure, walking towards you. Johnny followed behind him. Upon seeing them draw closer to you, and not quite feeling your legs just yet, you shifted to your back and crawled backward a few paces.

Little OneWhere stories live. Discover now