Chapter 1

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Hello my name is Alexandria Snape. I live with my dad and this year I'm starting school at Hogwarts school of witch craft and wizardry. I had just got my supplies and getting on the train. I gave my father a hug and got on the train while he apparated to the school to get ready for the feast. I stepped on the train and went to search for a compartment. I found one with a boy with round glasses and black hair and another boy with red hair and freckles Ronald Weasley. I walk in and say "Hello can I sit here?" They nod so I sat closest to the door away from them. "I'm R-" "Ron Weasley yea I know you have the Weasley features and you are......?" I trailed off "Harry Potter." The black hair boy says. I nod and started to read my potions Text book. The door slid open and a bushy haired girl came in but I blocked everything out till I felt someone tap on my shoulder and see its Vincent the son of one of my lovers followers "Hello Crabbe" I say "There you are my mistress. Why are you here?" He asked yea you heard right I'm all voldemort's followers mistress. "I sat in a random place" I say standing up a and saying "Come." And walking right out of the compartment while they trailed behind me. I found a compartment with Parkinson and Crabbe opened the door for me with a bow. "Parkinson move." I barked and her head snapped towards me and quickly moved and I sat down.

Time skip after train ride sorting

"Potter Harry" the school erupt in whispers and I rolled my eyes "GRYFINDOR!"

"Snape, Alexandria" everyone started talking and I had my fathers famous sneer on and sat on the stool as the decrepit hat was put on my head "SLYTHERIN" I smirk as all my followers clap and sit by my god brother Draco. "Hello mistress" Parkinson said but I ignored her. After dinner we were led to the dungeons and to a portrait of a snake and the prefect said "pure blood" once we got in there we all went to bed.

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